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我看见她在过道边蹦跳着移动。I saw her hobble down the aisle.

妇女倚着行走架跛行。Women hobble about on walking frames.

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不要让这些垃圾时间妨碍你的成功。Don't let these time leeches hobble your success.

陆振魁将瘸龙劫走,逼他说出“黑皮”的下落。Liu Zhenkui will hobble of the dragon, forced him to say black.

她突然起身下车时,我发现她一拐一拐地走过通道。When suddenly she rose to leave, Isaw her hobble down the aisle.

肿胀已经开始消退,他能忍着痛一瘸一拐地走了。The swelling had begun to go down, and he was able, with pain, to hobble.

宁可跛了一条腿进城,他们也不肯穿着破裤子去。It would be easier for them to hobble to town with a broken leg than with a broken pantaloon.

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果然,除夕时他可以一瘸一拐地去参加晚会了。The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble along to a party.

央视实行末尾淘汰制后,许多纪录片栏目陷入了生存困境。Since CCTV carried out eliminate the last system, many documentary programs have fallen into a hobble.

之后,我再将牠那一只跛行的脚,再用扣环扣住绳子的另一端。I made a one-leg hobble out of the lead rope by putting the end of the lead rope through the bull snap.

几年后才来临的的危机过后的余震有可能会伤害到主要发达国家的需求增长。Post-crisis aftershocks are likely to hobble demand growth in the major developed economies for years to come.

当我们看到他一瘸一拐的时候就立即送他去进行扫描—幸运的是我们得到了好消息。We are relieved. When we saw him hobble off, you are hoping when you send him for a scan, you get some good news.

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亮片刮人,高跟鞋夹脚,而铅笔裙——当它们长至脚踝的时候,会让着装者步履蹒跚——她们必须得迈着小碎步摇晃着往前走。Heels pinch. Pencil skirts, when they fall to the ankle, can hobble a wearer who must wobble along with teeny-tiny steps.

由于太子港的救助人员快速的救援行动使瓦砾堆遍地都是,老人们被迫每天在混乱的现场穿行。The elderly have had to hobble through the daily chaos of Port-au-Prince, forced into rubble piles by speeding convoys of aid workers.

高调的调查将在政治上束缚白宫,而且对布什最亲密幕僚可能意味着法律起诉书和骚动。A high-profile probe would hobble the White House politically, and could mean sky-high legal bills and turmoil for Bush's closest aides.

委员会、理事会和各国政府会为获得职位和权力斗得不可开交,他们的地盘之争会给外交事务造成诸多掣肘。And turf wars could yet hobble the diplomatic service, with the commission, council and national governments fighting for jobs and power.

大宗商品投资者担心,美国债务评级被下调可能会提高美国的借贷成本,进一步妨碍美国脆弱的经济复苏。Commodities investors are worried that the downgrade could further hobble the weak economic recovery in the U.S. by raising borrowing costs.

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一些非洲分析师担心大量新资金的涌入会牵绊刚刚开始涉足全球市场的非洲公司的前进脚步。Some African analysts are worried that a flood of new financing will hobble African companies just beginning to wade into the global marketplace.

他表示他将因中国保持其货币低值而称呼其为货币“操纵者”,并会通过设立补偿性关税来压制中国的对美出口。He says he would name China a currency "manipulator" for keeping its currency undervalued, and hobble Chinese imports by imposing compensatory tariffs.

现在的儿童保护部门条件可能更好,但是批评人士声称,官僚主义、腐败和蹒跚的改革依然使得很多孩子得不到国家保护。Care may be more friendly now, but critics say bureaucracy, corruption and ineptitude hobble reforms, while many children still have no state protection.