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气管内气体吹入通气对气体交换效能的影响。The Effect of Tracheal Gas Insufflation on Gas Exchange Efficiency.

在注入水或空气后,应用MDCT成像。After insufflation with air or water, patients were imaged with MDCT.

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但SLIPA却出现明显胃胀气,应警惕误吸危险的问题。However, there is obviously gastric insufflation observed in SLIPA. Should be alert to the danger of aspiration.

全塔压降随着操作空塔气速的增加而降低,而持液量主要受喷淋密度制约。The total pressure drop increases with the increase of gas velocity. The liquid hold is affected by the insufflation density.

生活激情就像是在白饭上加入一点酱油,在平淡中加添一点惊喜,在雪白上喷洒上一些点缀。Enthusiasm of life is just like to fuse the sauce into the rice, fuse any surprise into the bore, and insufflation some color on the white.

沙障受风蚀率可能还与喷洒时的压力、风速等因素有关。Furthermore, the erosion rate of soil coagulant sand-barrier likely to relate on the nebulizer pressure and wind speed in insufflation process.

例如,住院医生在接受结肠镜检查的培训时,在屏幕上就可以看到结肠镜的实时移动以及空气注入的情景。For instance, a resident training on the colonoscopy simulator looks at a screen with real time response to scope movements and air insufflation.

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结论LC术后肩部疼痛的主要原因可能与人工气腹张力对膈肌牵拉刺激有关。Conclusion The over-stretching of the superior hepatic ligaments due to CO-2 insufflation are probably the main cause of post LC shoulder tip pain.

因内视镜过程中持续的灌气,使肠道中高压的空气循著切开的乳突与经皮穿肝穿刺之路径进入腹腔。It was supposed that prolonged air insufflation during endoscopy forced intestinal air to track into the peritoneal cavity through the bile ducts and the puncture tract.

当浓度达到一定程度时,其作用有所衰减。此外,果穗畸形与果穗上药物喷布均匀性及环境也可能有关系。However, the effect was debased after the concentration rose to be a certain degree. Otherwise, abnormality of spike might be related to insufflation uniformity and the environment.

为了让香气持久,可以把香水喷到衣服上,但要注意,如果衣服不及时清洗,就会与下一次喷洒的香气不协调。We can sprinkle them to the clothes to maintain the permanent scent, but pay attention that if we haven't washed our clothes in time, the scent won't be consistent with the next insufflation.