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那么这疫苗是如何生效的呢?So what does the vaccine do?

还没有丙肝病毒疫苗。There is no vaccine for HCV.

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世卫组织对疫苗进行了资格预审。WHO pre-qualified the vaccine.

我身上的疫苗还有保护性吗Is my vaccine still protective?

肺炎预防针是非常安全的。Pneumonia vaccine is very safe.

这是一小瓶脊髓灰质炎疫苗。Here is a vial of polio vaccine.

经鼻接种的流感病毒疫苗Intranasal influenza virus vaccine

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你怎么获得疫苗来给他们接种呢How do you get the vaccine to them?

你会注射那种疫苗吗Would you like to get that vaccine?

没有疫苗能够预防雅司病。There is no vaccine to prevent Yaws.

双价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗。V. , or bivalent oral polio vaccine.

革命是预防扎克雷运动的疫苗。Revolution is the vaccine of Jacquerie.

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没有用于恰加斯病的疫苗。There is no vaccine for Chagas disease.

为什么我的孩子需要MMR联合疫苗?Why does my child need the MMR vaccine?

肺炎球菌结合疫苗的安全性Safety of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

没有抗尼帕病毒的疫苗。There is no vaccine against Nipah virus.

没有抗亨德拉病毒的疫苗。There is no vaccine against Hendra virus.

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宫颈癌疫苗是否能长期有效?Does Cervical Cancer Vaccine Benefit Last?

有可以预防疱疹的疫苗吗?Q12. Is there a vaccine to prevent herpes?

目前还没有针对ASF的疫苗。There is currently no vaccine against ASF.