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洞口太窄了,我们只能侧着身子走进去。The cave is so narrow that we can only sidle in.

他不能逃避个人的责任。He can not sidle away from personal responsibility.

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他不能逃避个人责任。He can not sidle away from personal responsibility.

但目前化学才刚开始缓慢的侧身而上,为何我们如此缓慢?But so far, chemistry has only slowly begun to sidle up to them. Why are we so slow?

假如他闻到有其他狗的存在,他就会侧身走到一个物体的旁边,抬起他的后脚,用尿去标示他的势力范围。If it smelled another dog, it would sidle up next to the object, lift its back leg and mark its territory.

这将帮助你避免在酒吧是吃下3袋薯片和一桶坚果。This will help prevent you from inhaling three bags of crisps and a bucket of nuts when you sidle up to the bar.

标准配置横行变频马达驱动,可选购横行伺服马达驱动。Standard configuration is sidle frequency conversion motor drive & dec optional configuration is servo motor drive.

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终于,一个中年人带着他十多岁的孩子来到酒吧点了包含在门票中的免费葡萄酒。Eventually a middle-aged man and his teenage son sidle up to the bar to drink the complimentary wine included with admission.

侧身而揭示了独特而强大的系统,如大卫尼尔曼领导人的例子已经在喷射蓝世界各地的公司的拥抱,以及变革演习。Sidle reveals a unique and powerful system already embraced by companies around the world, with examples of leaders such as David Neeleman at Jet Blue, and transformative exercises.

轻型横走式上下手臂使用著名品牌高刚性线性滑轨,耐磨耗。Light weight sidle upperlower robots adopt famous brand of linear slide rail with high strength , which is wear resistant sufficiently because of high-strength aluminum alloy structure.