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他曾研究过超新星、夸克物质与星系间的气体云。He has studied supernovae, quark matter and intergalactic gas clouds.

您所有的技巧和deftness有必要为您在这intergalactic战争。All your skill and deftness are necessary for you in this intergalactic war.

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我遇到的多维和星系间人类从不同的时间看今朝。I encountered multidimensional and intergalactic beings from different time eras.

星际银行业集团在阿尔高维护着一个巨大的金字塔形生态建筑。The InterGalactic Banking Clan maintained a massive pyramidal arcology on Aargau.

作为星际银行业集团的资产,这些新机器人被重命名为“IG系列”。As an InterGalactic Banking Clan asset, the new droids were renamed the IG-series.

按照这样的速度移动,它将脱离银河系的掌握,飞入星际空间。At that speed, it will escape the galaxy's grasp and sail off into intergalactic space.

与帮助推动跨星系的绿色经济相反,大众在气候方面一直落后。Instead of helping kick-start an intergalactic green economy, VW are being climate laggards.

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星系际社会流动是龙眼新软件,人们寻找连接任何理由。BEDD is new mobile social intergalactic software, searching to connect people for any reason.

伟大的星际战争从2039年的损失和所有人类奴役的外来霸主。The great intergalactic war from 2039 was lost and all humans were enslaved by alien overlords.

银河系小鸡入侵地球,为它们受到压迫的地球同胞进行报复。Intergalactic chickens invaded Earth, seeking revenge for the oppression of their earthly brethren.

在跨银河机器人局短暂停留期间,R2和3PO到处打零工。During a short stint with the Intergalactic Droid Agency, Artoo and Threepio floated from odd job to odd job.

虽然造父变星数量稀少,它们是估计银河系间距离的一种非常可靠的“标准烛光”。Although Cepheids are rare, they provide a very reliable"standard candle" for estimating intergalactic distances.

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一个普通人被银河联邦雇用看守一个他们在地球上秘密安置的中转站。An Earthling is employed by an intergalactic federation to watch over a Way Station they secretly set up on Earth.

它们运动的速度越快,它们自身就需要更多的质量以防止它们逃离到星系间的空间。The faster they move, the more mass must lie within their orbits to keep them from escaping into intergalactic space.

同时,星系也将含有重元素的气体排放到星系晕,甚至更远的星系际空间里。At the same time, the galaxy expels gas loaded with heavy elements into its halo and maybe even into intergalactic space.

以密度来说,从行星际到星系际空间的旅行,比从水进入空气中还激烈。In terms of density, the voyage from interplanetary to intergalactic space is more drastic than going from water into air.

这个星系在60到90亿年前被银河系吞噬,这种现象被称为星系同类相食。This galaxy was gobbled up by the Milky Way between six and nine billion years ago in an act of intergalactic cannibalism.

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当他研究后发星系团的时候,发现星系间的引力太小无法维持住整个星系团。While researching on Coma Cluster, he discovered the intergalactic attraction was too weak to hold the whole galaxy cluster.

佩提特金、史坎纳皮科与布罗德赫斯特三人,从事星系际空间的理论与观测研究。PATRICK PETITJEAN, EVAN SCANNAPIECO and TOM BROADHURST bring both theory and observation to the study of intergalactic space.

或者也许我们跳跃到了星系之间的某个真空,也许跳出了膨胀波以外。Or that we have somehow jumped to a void in intergalactic space, perhaps jumped beyond the expansion wave of the big bang itself.