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爱情不过是一种疯病。Love is one kind of insanity.

镀金百合将导致精神病。Gilding the lily leads to insanity.

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他因精神错乱而被宣告无罪。He was acquitted by reason of insanity.

空虚总是导致人们神经错乱。Emptiness always leads to human's insanity.

中国人,欢迎你们来到穆斯林的疯狂世界!Chinee, welcome to the muslim insanity world!

在答辩中,海伦提出一时的精神错乱为借口。In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity.

全然清明难道真的会比神智不清还糟吗?Can Sanity really be so much worse than insanity?

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驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及。It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes.

招致能放大和动力化平信。The insanity can magnify and motorize the snail mail.

闪耀之星的高兴会使我狂喜甚至灵魂上的疯狂。The starred delights will enrapture my soul to insanity.

因此,路翎笔下人物都经历着从疯狂到死亡的艰难历程。So they underwent the hard process from insanity to death.

这种狂热与极端实质上是一种政治变态。This kind of fanaticism is a species of political insanity.

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整件事从头到尾都是那么的荒唐.The whole thing was complete insanity from beginning to end.

视角的分裂最终证实了达尔的疯狂。The split of Darl's point of view in the end proves his insanity.

他们要求法院因其精神错乱而宣判其无罪。They asked the court to declare him innocent because of insanity.

除了一种情况,在他们的家庭中有不为人知的精神失常问题。Except in one case, there was no known insanity in their families.

因为DNA磨损,核辐射就在这个地区的人们中造成了神智错乱。Radiation causes insanity as the DNA frays in those in the region.

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武赫砸碎橱窗,大闹小饭馆,他看起来精神分裂!Moohyuk broke windows, broke the restaurant, showing so called insanity.

负面情绪是介于心智健全与不健全之间的中间状态。Negative emotions are an intermediate state between sanity and insanity.

克劳斯认为,“精神错乱则是感官清醒时的梦。”According to Krauss, "Insanity is a dream in which the senses are awake."