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铁球是重的。A ball is round.

我的脸是圆的。My face is round.

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七点钟左右。Round about seven.

呼啦圈是圆的。The hoop is round.

柳橙是圆的。An orange is round.

她的眼睛圆圆的。Her eyes are round.

这张桌子是圆的。The table is round.

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或者以圆为例Or take being round.

咱们打一回合吧!Let's go play a round.

他们围成圆圈跳舞。They dance in a round.

猫咪有张圆圆的脸。A cat has a round face.

难道所有的球不都是圆的吗?Aren't all balls round?

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血液在体内循环。Blood flows round body.

口感圆润滑顺。Round and smooth mouth.

然后,圆滑那些转角。Then round the corners.

为什么井盖是圆的?Why are manholes round?

她整整睡了一天。She slept round the day.

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我的鞋是圆头的。My shoes have round toes.

他们围桌而坐。They sat round the table.

他环视了一下屋子。He glanced round the room.