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这匹野马仅10秒钟就弓背跃起把骑者摔了下来。This wild bronco bucked its rider in just ten seconds.

巨大的龙卷风踢这片土地上宛如脱缰野马。The huge tornado kicked across the land like a wild bronco.

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出门后,他开上烈马,冲进车道。Outside he climbed into his Bronco and sped down the driveway.

安尼斯顿在圣诞节前为他的兄弟布兰科买了一辆车,布兰科哭了。Aniston bought her brother Bronco car for Christmas, and he cried.

布兰槿是一个健美冠军,他因谋杀妻子而入狱。Bronco was a bodybuilding champion who was imprisoned for murdering his wife.

布兰柯一定是一厘米一厘米不停地在墙上打洞!Bronco must have been digging the wall centimeter by centimeter without cease!

终于,看守在布兰柯的囚室里发现了藏在海报后面的一个大洞。Eventually, the guards found a big hole in Bronco 's room, hidden behind a poster.

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我掉下来的时候看到了白色的马背,还听见玛西在叫救命。I saw the white roof of the Bronco when I was falling, Momma, and I heard Marcy calling for help.

然而进化却可以被当作一匹烈马来使用,带我们到单靠我们自己所不能去的地方。But evolution can be harnessed to serve as a wild bronco to carry us where we can't go by ourselves.

最后,警长把她从马后面拉了出来,然后把她抬到等待着的救护车上。At last the sheriff pulled her out of the back end of the Bronco and carried her to the waiting ambulance.

最后,警长将马西从野马车的后部解救出来,然后将她抱到等待中的救护车中。At last the sheriff pulled her out of the back end of the Bronco and carried her to the waiting ambulance.

由于他有魅力并且有积极向上的特点,他很快成了整个监狱最受欢迎的小伙子。With his charm and positive characteristics, Bronco soon became the most popular chap in the whole prison.

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布兰柯是这样一个人,他永远不会停止希望和奋斗,他能接受所有的挑战。Bronco was such a character that he would never cease hoping and struggling and responded to all challenges.

孩子们像驯马牛仔那样看谁能在羊背上呆最长的时间。Like the bronco riders, kids competed to see who could hang on for dear life and stay on the animal the longest.

没有责任感的激情犹如没有缰绳的烈马,冲动、盲目而危险。Resembling a unreined bronco , passion without the sense of responsibility is impulsive, reckless and dangerous.

在午餐后,马西称汽车内水箱的水太少了,她想驾车去水泵处弄点水。After dinner Marcy announced the water tank was low and that she would take the Bronco down to the pump and get water.

美洲野马常常如此爱其主人,是以在必要时,还会牺牲他的性命——我的意思是,牺牲它主人的性命。A bronco often becomes so attached to his master that he will lay down his life if necessary—his master's life, I mean.

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正是那辆Bronco使他成为高中里唯一驾驶保时捷敞篷车去上学的学生。It was the Bronco thatallowed him to become the only kid at his high school who drives his ownconvertible Porsche to class.

下班后的傍晚里,常常能发现迈克这个孩子王在起居室里蹲在四个人下面跟孩子们玩骑马游戏。In the evenings after work, Mike King can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids.

而媒体的价格就像脱了缰的野马,一年比一年高,这对目前资金紧张的中小企业来说难以承受。And the bronco that the price of media resembled reins, a year taller than a year, this bears hard to the medium and small businesses with at present tight financing.