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关于写ENS码的资料!Write ENS yards on the information!

今天有三只小鸡出壳。Three of the chick ens hatched today.

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每个末端起点和每个地方存在。The beginning of every end, and the ens of every place.

结果人胚胎结肠肠神经系统发育有明显的阶段性。Results The development of colon ENS and colon wall has distinct stages.

提出请求人无须务必满意雇主提名儿政策中关于岁数的条文规定。The applicant does not have to satisfy any ENS requirements relating to age.

之后的裴頠、郭象等人提出“无不生有”。After then, Pei Wei, Guo Xiang and some others protest, "nonexistence cannot birth ens".

活动部件间的摩擦力使金属磨损,这就缩短了勾当部件的运用寿命。Friction wears away metal in the moving components, which fleeting, ens their working life.

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现代家具展示设计是一门空间的艺术设计,同时也是一个多元构成的高度统一体。Modern furniture design is a kind of spatial art, and it's also an ens composed of multi-elements.

肠自主神经的抑制-兴奋失衡可能是糖尿病腹泻的原因之一。An imbalance between the inhibitory and excitatory ENS could be one of the causes of diabetic diarrhea.

该技术使用基于内容的事件通知服务中的覆盖关系来定义系统客户端的访问权限。This technology uses covering relationships in content-based ENS to define access privilege of clients.

其区别仅仅在于是“无”统一于“有”,还是“有”统一于“无”。Their only difference in the result is "nonexistence" unity in " ens " or " ens " unity in "nonexistence".

当“道”作为世界的本原时,它表现为“无”与“有”、“自然”与“无为”的统一。When the "Tao" is as the reality, it is the unification of "nothing" and "ens", of "nature" and "inaction".

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由于视频文件对电脑配置的要求很高,用来剪辑的电脑过去动辄几万甚至几十万美元一台。Video files are so demanding, editing computers used to costt ens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of dollars.

科学的本原在创造世界的时候为什么不设计多几条路或设计一个体系,来完成从0到有的发展呢?Why not the basis of science designs more roads or one system to finish the development from 0 to ens when it was creating the world?

我国的精神损害赔偿制度历经从无到有,由简单逐步走向成熟的发展过程,现已成为民法理论和实务界研究和探讨的重要话题。The spirit damage compensation system has experienced from none to ens and from simplicity to maturation in China and now has been an important topic for the law society.

再后来,北宋张载、明清之际的王夫之等人则从气一元论的学说出发,将有或无都看作是气的不同状态。Still later, in Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zai and Wang Fuzhi in Ming and Qing Dynasties, they start from the gas monism regard "ens" of " nonexistence " as different states of gas.

中国现在正处于城市建设与更新的高潮期,在遗产区及其附近,城市发展建设与遗产保护往往是矛盾的关系,城市建设往往威胁着遗产的价值。In the heritage site and the areas nearby, urban development and construction conflicts with heritage conservation, and urban development usually threat- ens the value of heritage site.

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这一结果有助于从ENS调控的肠道整体功能的角度认识IBS的发病机制以及研发新的治疗药物。To understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of IBS from the view of ENS integrated controlling functions could be helpful for us to develop effective drugs for functional GI disorders.