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在午餐时间。At lunchtime.

午饭时间散步一会。Take a walk at lunchtime.

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我吃午饭的时候顺便去看你。I'll look in at lunchtime.

除了吃中午饭的半小时外。Except for a half hour at lunchtime.

傍午,我就感觉饥肠辘辘了。I feel very hungry before lunchtime.

或者是午餐时间如果你更合适的话。Or lunchtime if that’s easier for you.

午饭时可能会晴一阵子。It might clear up for a while around lunchtime.

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因此,按照莫兰说的那样,“注意晨练多走走,或者饭后出门散心。So “go for a morning walk or a lunchtime stroll.

他们说午饭前会有个工程师过来。They said an engineer would come before lunchtime.

午饭时分,“听话的孩子”直奔这里。Lunchtime and the “good kids” made a beeline for it.

两队今天中午将在古迪逊展开激烈厮杀。And the pair lock horns at Goodison at lunchtime today.

鼓励他们加入午餐会或是课后团体。Encourage them to join lunchtime or after-school clubs.

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或许,店主应该在午餐时间将其关闭。Perhaps the proprietor should switch it off at lunchtime.

甚至,在午餐的时候,还有大型的文艺表演。As well there will be lunchtime performances and activity.

这时我才会安下心来,加入到午餐时间的谈话中。Then I could relax and join in the lunchtime conversation.

午餐时不必闻同事外卖的汤味。Not having to smell colleagues' takeaway soup at lunchtime.

餐馆中午都提供价钱合理的客饭。Many restaurants do a very reasonable set menu at lunchtime.

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噢,天呐,都快到午餐时间了,我今天上午什么工作也没做。Oh dear, it’s nearly lunchtime and I have done no work this morning.

在过去一年的时间里,卡拉‧摩尔利用午餐时间瘦了一百磅。Over the course of a year, Carla Moore lost 100 pounds at lunchtime.

三年级时的一个午餐时间我将永志难忘。One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always.