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一个牵强的预测吗?A farfetched prediction?

这个比方有点驴唇不对马嘴。The analogy is rather farfetched.

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那么,它可能不那么牵强。Well,it may not be so farfetched.

这种假设情形似乎有点牵强。This scenario may seem farfetched.

是的,它实际上没有那样的牵强。Well, it may not be so farfetched.

他的笑话有些牵强附会。His jokes were somewhat farfetched.

你的解释有些牵强。Your explanation sounds farfetched.

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偷走你的想法和梦境并不完全是天方夜谭。Stealing your thoughts and dreams isn't completely farfetched.

为什么人总会被一些乱七八糟的情绪控制?Why can be the person always controlled by a few farfetched moods ?

动倡导者的真正意图,因为,不管他们的原则在今天看来多么牵强无理advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their

但是,幸亏混沌理论,这种想法并非像它看来那样牵强。Yet the idea isn't as farfetched as it might seem, thanks to chaos theory.

这些都是好处,没有靠不住的,只要你给自己时间这么做。All of those are the benefits – none too farfetched – of giving yourself time to just be.

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李商隐的诗不可牵强比附,去做指实的说解。In this connection, Li Shangyin's poems allow no farfetched comparison or realistic interpretation.

任何分类过程都有其逻辑问题,就如天朝分类法那般牵强。As farfetched as the Celestial Emporium system is, any classification process has its logical problems.

但接着风就不那么帮忙了,日子一天天过去,水手们开始抱怨船长的计划异想天开。But then the breeze lagged, the days passes, and the crew began to grumble about their captain's farfetched plan.

甚至还有几个小组被派往好莱坞,去窃取虚构天方夜谭似的惊人恐怖举动的编剧们的脑力劳动成果。Teams have even been sent to pick the brains of Hollywood scriptwriters who dream up farfetched terror spectaculars.

这样使居室还没有入住就已显得口罗嗦而且牵强,入住后自然就更显零乱。So that no room occupancy had also looked at wordy and farfetched , occupancy after making it more natural to disorder.

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然而,在一部本没有浓郁中国背景的影片中,这些语言有些画蛇添足。However, this might be unnecessary and might look farfetched in a story that had no strong Chinese background originally.

市面上卖的那些乱七八糟的钙片吃了有作用吗?严重缺钙出了能补上吧?Did those farfetched calcium tablet that sell on market eat to there is effect? Be short of calcium badly to go out to you can fill go up?

正因为这个“多”字,去年北京的有些房展会已开始让人感到噱头过于牵强。It is precisely because of this "many" words, the last year Beijing has begun to make some citizens feel laugh uproariously too farfetched.