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她在宴会上作招待员。She ushered at the banquet.

他在家中摆了一桌流水席。He held an open banquet at home.

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什么时间开席?。What time does the banquet start?

想知道芙蓉花精是如何设宴的吗?How does the lotus fairy throw a banquet?

他举行宴会庆祝白己的生日。He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.

我们应买一些酒以备宴会用。We should get some wine in for the banquet.

参加每一场饭局确实言重了。It is a strong word to attend every banquet.

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结婚的酒席办了二十桌。There are 20 tables for the wedding banquet.

有一天,神界将举办宴会。One day, God will hold the banquet community.

他们把宴会上的食物全部吃光了。They disposed of all the food for the banquet.

他应邀出席今晚的宴会。He received an invitation to the banquet tonight.

包括打击歌曲“夜宴”的派对带。Includes the hit song "Banquet" by Bloc Party band.

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酒席上的嘈杂声传到了他耳边。The confused sounds of the banquet reached his ear.

做一桌波里尼西亚宴席或古罗马盛宴。Cook a Polynesian feast or an ancient Roman banquet.

黄敏要出国了,全家人会餐为黄敏送行。Huang to go abroad, huang off at the family banquet.

开完会以后,李教授被邀请赴宴。Prof. Li was invited to a banquet after the meeting.

他们设宴招待来访的市长。They gave a banquet in honour of the visiting mayor.

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皇宫里还要举行盛大的千秋宴会。A grand Qianqiu banquet was held in the royal palace.

集满族与汉族菜点之精华而形成的历史上最著名的中华大宴。A kind of banquet where Manchu and Han food is served.

恭请出席在使馆举行的宴会。You are invited to banquet to be given at the embassy.