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“鸟海”号的套材以1944年的萨马尔战役制作。Building the kit of IJN Chokai as seen in 1944 Battle of Samar.

他,还有他妻子和孩子,离开了萨马岛去了他们在罗科斯的家。He, together with his wife and children, left Samar and went home to Ilocos.

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萨马·阿卜杜勒-拉曼住在内特扎利姆附近,观察到以色列人返回到聚居地。Samar Abdel-Rahman lives close to Netzarim and watched the Israelis move back into the settlement.

我的父母打算带曼娜艾娜给随我们一起去萨马岛北部,他们给她安排好了一切。My parents decided to bring along Mana Ina with us to Northern Samar. They had beautiful plans for her.

此前的三个暑假,我们去萨马岛的伯朗干看望了祖父母,在那里,我遇到了我的表妹,八岁的曼娜艾娜。Three summer vacations before that, we visited my maternal grandparents in Borongan, Eastern Samar. There I met Mana Ina, my eight-year old cousin.

他说,1998年,在噶举派排名第三的锡度仁波切来到印度,比第十六世葛玛巴和夏玛仁波切要晚大约四年。He said that Tai Situ Rinpoche, who stood third in the Kagyu hierarchy, after the 16th Karmapa and Samar Rinpoche came to India in 1998, after a gap of about four years.

在另一个印度资料〈玛〉维曼拿被描绘成铁的机器,结合紧密和平滑的,装载着水银,以轰鸣的火焰来在后面点火。In another Indian source, the Samar , Vimanas were iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame.

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同时我也要喜欢引用萨玛岛海战中,驱逐舰在白昼以鱼雷攻击、扰乱巡洋舰乃至于战斗舰的队形的案例。I would also like to point out the Battle of Samar as an interesting case study of daylight destroyer torpedo attack disrupting cruiser and even battleship battle formations.

此前的三个暑假,我们去萨马岛的伯朗干看望了祖父母,在那里,我遇到了我的表妹,八岁的曼娜艾娜。Three summer vacations before that, we visited my maternal grandparents in Borongan, Eastern Samar. There I met Mana Ina, my eight-year old cousin. She was the daughter of my mother's cousin.

一九四四年十月二十五日,美军着手夺回菲律宾期间,美国驱逐舰约翰斯顿号和几艘轻型战舰在萨马岛附近发现有一支庞大日本舰队逼近。On 25 October 1944, when the Americans were trying to reconquer the Philippines, the destroyer USS Johnston and a handful of lights ships spotted the approach of a huge Japanese fleet off Samar.