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完美的男人骨瘦如柴。Perfect men are scrawny.

仅有白雪、碧水、岩石与贫瘠的土壤相伴。just snow, water, rock and scrawny soil.

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似乎是表示“瘦弱的“It seems to mean something like "scrawny."

瞧你那小细胳膊?难不成爷怕你?I'm not scared of you and your scrawny arms.

另外一位建筑工人又小又瘦And another construction worker is small and scrawny.

这些大眼睛的瘦骨嶙峋的孩子办了一份小报。These big-eyed scrawny boys put out a small newspaper.

我们全家住在一套小房子里面,个个瘦骨伶仃的。We all lived in one little house and we were a scrawny lot.

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如果不听我的话,把你的小极瘦的脖子给拧断了。If you don't listen to me, I'll wring your scrawny little neck.

他进了冷藏室,发现只剩下一只瘦得可怜的火鸡了。He goes into the freezer and discovers that there's only one scrawny turkey left.

在象棚的旁边住着一只骨瘦如柴常常半饥半饱的流浪狗。In the neighbourhood of the elephant shed, there was a scrawny , poorly fed, stray dog.

这当然有例外。但我发现亚洲人大多骨瘦如柴,看起来弱不禁风。Of course there are exceptions, but I find Asians generally too scrawny and frail-looking.

他的名字叫杨扬,几年前她见到的瘦弱男孩儿,现已长成了高个年轻人。His name is Yang. The scrawny little boy she saw years ago has grown into a tall, young man.

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他还注意到了五个骨瘦如材的孩子躲在拼拼凑凑的几件家具后面偷偷地瞅着自己。He also noticed five scrawny children peeking at him from behind various pieces of furniture.

看着点,基督徒,往哪去?下次再让我碰上这匹骨瘦如柴的小马就归我了。Watch, where you are going, Christian? Next time I just might keep your scrawny little beast.

而我们也知道现在该去踹那个骨头死灵法师那没有肉的不死生物屁股了!And we also know that we are going to kick that bony necromancer's scrawny undead ass right now!

当我第一次来中国的时候,我有个中国朋友叫Fred,是个瘦削的21岁山东男孩。When I first came to China, I had a friend called Fred, a scrawny 21-year old from Shandong Province.

因为这位消瘦的年轻士兵毫不掩饰,只是非常老套地搓动自己的手指头。The scrawny young soldier, forgoing any subtleties, merely rubbed his fingers together in an age-old gesture.

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艾尔很怕瑞秋的家人以及其他湖边的游人看到他自己在镜子里看到的形象——一个骨瘦如柴的身体。He worried that her family and others at the lake would see what he saw when he looked in the mirror — a scrawny excuse for a man.

很多时候他们或者瘦骨嶙峋或者身材圆胖或者满脸青春痘,没几个符合你心目中职业运动员的标准。Often they’re scrawny or chubby or or acne covered, and more than a few fit into the stereotypes you might envision of a pro gamer.

加州州长阿诺德-施瓦辛格就曾开玩笑说奥巴马的“胳膊细得像竹竿”,并称他应该让奥巴马“做一些蹲举运动”。Arnold Schwarzenegger, the California governor, once joked that he had " scrawny arms" and that he would make Mr Obama "do some squats".