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上帝!我唉叹。Good Lord, I thought.

我以为镇服了她。I had her, I thought.

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我以为是伊莱在叫我。I thought it was Eli.

谁又想到股东会会这么一着呢?Who'd have thought it?

但是他想了一个主意。But he thought an idea.

一件非常引人深思的事。A very sobering thought.

他想,这是不仁不义的事儿。He thought it is unjust.

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我想到了我妹婿的故事。I thought I Meixu story.

我记得刚才不还是98块5。I thought it was 98. 50?

一个姑娘,我觉得她很善良。A gal I thought was kind.

有一个学说称Here's a thought for you.

先保留你的想法Hold the thought on that.

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我以为一切都定好了。I thought it was all set.

我还以为你想要汤姆,不想和我在一块哩。I thought you wanted Tom.

太可怕的想法了。Scary thought. I asked J.

然后她便陷入了沉思。Then she sank in thought.

传达一种转变思想。Convey a shift in thought.

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她眉头紧锁地深思着。Her brows knit in thought.

我曾认为他智力迟钝。I thought he was retarded.

我想那就是撒丁岛吧。I thought it was Sardinia.