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树脂玻璃门一触即开。The plexiglass doors open in one-touch.

标度盘装了有机玻璃视窗,读数清晰。The dial is provided with a plexiglass window for clear reading.

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在有机玻璃创建一个明亮的边缘效应的斜面边缘。The beveled edges of the Plexiglass create a luminous edge effect.

装置,不锈钢,有机玻璃,玻璃钢,灯,机械传动。Installation, stainless steel, plexiglass , fibreglass, lights, motor.

它的表层是8毫米强有机玻璃覆盖板,并可以将其的另一面翻转过来,使其使用更加方便。It is covered by 8mm strong plexiglass and can flip onto its side to make using it more easy.

探讨了生产这种有机玻璃仿水晶像的生产工序及注意事项。Production technique and attention of the plexiglass imitate crystal pictures were discussed.

因此,研究人员将糖果和薯条再一次放在大学生面前,只不过这回把它们放在树脂玻璃的后面。So they showed candy and chips to the subjects once more, but out of reach behind plexiglass.

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本文报道被动触觉的长度总合实验。The tactile sensitivity of forearm to summate the length of plexiglass rectangles was tested.

整个装置由二只有机玻璃贮血器和一只不锈钢旋塞构成。The unit is composed of two plexiglass cylinders and a cock made of polished stainless steel.

相对而言,吸塑类、有机玻璃类门板,因质量不过硬而备受冷落。Relatively speaking, Xisu category, plexiglass type shutter, but the quality of the hard and cold.

而有机玻璃灯光片,表面有凸凹的浮雕花纹,能产生良好的散射光线。Lighting and plexiglass film, the surface of a tactile relief patterns, produce a good light scattering.

这种产品来自喷雾器罐,在塑料、有机玻璃和窗户色素层上使用非常安全。This product comes in an aerosol spray can and is safe for use on plastic, plexiglass and window tint film.

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在条款的材料,我觉得这需要作出的有机玻璃这是相当强烈,而且不会打击。In terms of the material, I felt it needed to be made of plexiglass which is quite strong and would not crack.

魔术师拿出一个透明的玻璃的相框,里面有一张怀表的照片。The magician brings out a clear Plexiglass photo-block. Sealed inside the block is a photograph of a pocket watch.

情况在极端球迷踢踹隔离球迷与球场的防暴玻璃护栏时开始恶化。The situation degenerated when the ultras started to kick the plexiglass barrier which protects the fans from the pitch.

树脂玻璃可以从缠在一起的聚合体长分子链中获取强度。Plexiglass draws its strength from the nature of its polymers, long chains of molecules that become entangled with one another.

深圳雅立德为专业设计开发、生产制作有机玻璃家居用品的生产企业。Shenzhen Ya GOODLAD for professional design and development, production plexiglass household products manufacturing enterprises.

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科学家利用不能制造出甲胎蛋白的雌性小鼠,把她们放进树脂玻璃的玻璃缸里,和在性方面积极的雄鼠放在一起。The scientists used female mice incapable of producing AFP and set them loose in a Plexiglass aquarium with a sexually active male.

我们是压克力有机玻璃制品公司,是一间专业从事有机玻璃产品设计和制作的生产厂家。We are acrylic plexiglass products company, is a professional engaged in product design and production of plexiglass manufacturers.

采用PATRAN建立了某型飞机座舱盖有限元模型,用多点约束模拟玻璃边缘与骨架及弧框之间的软连接。"PATRAN" is used to create a canopy FEM for an aircraft using MPC to simulate the flexible attachment between plexiglass and frame.