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他的部队是众所周知及其无畏。His troop were well known as its intrepidity.

学习传统,大胆创新。We should learn from the tradition and innovate intrepidity.

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因为由于他的无畏他可能是村幸免的最后一个希望。Due to his intrepidity he may be the last hope of the village.

我们得感谢主持其事的傅天虹先生的胆识、能力和不畏艰困的伟大精神。We have to be obliged to the bravery, talents and intrepidity of Mr. Fu Tianhong as the sponsor.

我全身心投入班级讨论,试图用我的智慧和冒险精神去赢得他的钦佩。I threw myself into class discussions, attempting to dazzle him with my intelligence and intrepidity.

在年轻力壮的时候去接受死亡,这使大无畏的精神变为疯狂。The acceptance of the death agony in the flower of youth and in the flush of health turns intrepidity into frenzy.

具有这种正直品格的人包括马丁•路德、克伦威尔、华盛顿、皮特、威灵顿,还有人类所有伟大的领袖。Such intrepidity of character characterised Luther, Cromwell, Washington, Pitt, Wellington, and all great leaders of men.

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少校卡斯威尔以其至上的英勇无畏,用自己的生命尽其最大努力,拯救了他的机组成员们。With consummate gallantry and intrepidity , Maj. Carswell gave his life in a supreme effort to save all members of his crew.

“如果你敢,不晚。”她以一种那么优美的无畏回答道。我沉默了,开始用指甲弄皱桌布上的图案。Not if you dare do it, " she answered, with such fine intrepidity that I was silent, and began to crease patterns on the cloth with my thumb-nail."

“荣誉勋章”通常是由总统以国会名义颁发,因此又称为国会勋章,颁发给在对抗武装敌方力量的战场上冒险犯难、不畏牺牲、能超越职责表现突出的勇敢官兵。It is bestowed "for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty, in actual combat against an armed enemy force".