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债券发行去年刷新纪录。Bond issuance hit a record last year.

尽管债务违约浪潮汹涌,发债量仍旧激增。Debt issuance booms despite a wave of defaults.

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保单签发后不可申请退还保费。Premium is non-refundable upon policy issuance.

主单和分单必须显示相同的签单日期。Both MBL AND HBL must show the same issuance date.

中航嘉信在收到相应批准之后方可出票。The approval must be sent to CWT for ticket issuance.

非居民在台公开发行股票募集资金汇出。Issuance of stocks in the R. O. C. by foreign nationals.

一三关于减免税捐相关证明之核发事项。Certificate issuance of tax deduction or exemption proofs.

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救助计划会导致美国大举新发国债为救市举措筹资。The bailout plans will result in massive new issuance of U. S.

票子发得多了一点,物价波动大了一点。The issuance of too much currency had led to major price rises.

拘捕证的发布是否将影响达尔弗尔的和平进程?Will the issuance of warrants affect the peace process in Darfur?

现金券由发出日起三个月内有效。The cash coupon is valid for three months from the date of issuance.

采购单发出之前,必须经过评审和核准。Purchase orders are subject to review and approval prior to issuance.

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弥补赤字现实可行的选择就是增加税收或者举借国债。The alternatives to make up the deficit include tax and debt issuance.

公证书自出具之日起生效。The notarial certificate comes into effect as of the date of issuance.

然后,你还有些运行许可证所,保证的标准。Then you have obviously criteria for issuance of the operating license.

非金融机构债券发行最近已相对强劲。Bond issuance by nonfinancial firms has been relatively strong recently.

也就是,帮助公司安排销售,证券和股份。That is, arranging for the issuance by corporations of stocks and bonds.

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海关按规定收取签证费。The customs shall charge issuance fee in accordance with the provisions.

财政部已采取了'基于需要哲学的标准发放。The MOF has since adopted a 'need-based' philosophy of standards issuance.

向所有艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性的人发放药物也将增加抗药性。To all HIV-positive people Issuance of drug resistance will also increase.