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将追梅莫及。Will pursue Mei Moji.

不惜一切代价追求。Pursue it at all costs.

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我们必须追求真理。We must pursue “truth!”

有的网友大加追捧。Some net pals pursue it.

追修业习和成长。Pursue growth and learning.

我们将不继续学这门学科。We will not pursue the subject.

不要再追求叻!Should not pursue the Superstar!

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寻找你的激情并追求它。Find your passion, and pursue it!

我全力以赴追求我的目标。I went all out to pursue my goals.

如不拟攻读学位则研习目的为何?What degree do you plan to pursue?

一是共促和平稳定。Jointly pursue peace and stability.

我们决定追踪视图索引。We decided to pursue view indexing.

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您的满意是隆达公司的追求。Your satisfaction is what we pursue.

追去的经历完成了。Pursue that experience to completion.

又何必追求那些急功近利的评价?Why to pursue those eager evaluation?

在这里,我们追赶着时尚旳脚步。Here, we pursue the steps, the fashion.

找到你的激情,坚持不懈地追求它。Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly.

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我想要继续讲讲,双星的概念。I want to pursue the idea of binary stars.

若你极力追求某种目的,你只会束缚了自己。If you pursue an end, you enchain yourself.

追求高质量,攀登高档次。Pursue high quality, climb an upscale time.