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他用鹤嘴锄掘坚硬的土地。He pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe.

他用鹤嘴锄掘坚硬的土地。Bob pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe.

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鲍勃用鹤嘴锄在坚硬的地面上挖掘。Bob pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe.

他的丈夫用一把镐头将那张脸敲碎了。Her husband took a pickaxe and destroyed the face.

权力拙劣地溺爱着钥匙,竟然利用了鹤嘴锄。The clumsiness of power spoils the key, and uses the pickaxe.

权力的拙劣惯坏了钥匙,相比看经典的句子。还利用了鹤嘴锄。The clumisiness of power spoils the key, and uses the pickaxe.

掘到第五下或是第六下时,鹤嘴锄碰到了一样铁东西。At the fifth or sixth blow the pickaxe struck against an iron substance.

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又有人不声不响的扛起铁锨、镢头等开荒去了。They make no reply to the shoulder, and open up wasteland to shovel pickaxe.

就在刘胡兰的面前,那六位同志被铡刀铡死了。There right in front of Liu Hu-lan, the comrades were murdered with a pickaxe.

一把石锤,大约六到七英寸长,看起来就像一把微型的铁镐。A rock-hammer is about six or seven inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe.

他偷了农夫的鹤嘴锄,所以遭到农夫的批评。He stole the pickaxe from the farmer and was therefore criticized by the farmer.

他有一把十字镐藏在灌木丛中一个只有他知道的隐蔽处。He had a pickaxe somewhere in the heather, in a hiding-place known to himself alone.

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经过合金化并经过相应的热处理的ZG30作为一种捣镐材料,可以满足捣镐的性能要求。The modified ZG30 as a new type of material can meet the requirements for tamping pickaxe.

他偷了生产队的铁镐,遭到了队长的批评。He stole the pickaxe from the production team and was therefore criticized by the team leader.

他向那个角落走去好象突然下了一个很大的决心似的,用鹤嘴锄猛击地面。He advanced towards the angle, and summoning all his resolution, attacked the ground with the pickaxe.

如果单靠鹤嘴锄,那不知道要费多少时间才能完成。This would have taken too long with the pickaxe alone, and it is known that Harding was an ingenious man.

现在他只要用鹤嘴锄的铁齿把石头一块一块的勾到身边来就得了。He had nothing more to do now, but with the iron tooth of the pickaxe to draw the stones towards him one by one.

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鹤嘴锄最初敲上去时只发出了一声沉重浑浊的声音,那种声音使唐太斯的前额挂满了大滴的冷汗。The pickaxe struck for a moment with a dull sound that drew out of Dantès' forehead large drops of perspiration.

第一次亲眼见到坎土曼,我觉得这种农具和汉族的镐差不太多。The first time I saw a mattock of the Uygur nationality, I thought it quite similar to a pickaxe of the Han nationality.

同时,两名阿尔阿赫利的逊尼派队员则加入了另一方支持政府的队伍,他们挥舞着棍棒和鹤嘴锄在街上游行着。Meanwhile, two Sunni Al-Ahli players joined the pro-government gangs that roamed the streets wielding clubs and pickaxe handles.