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准备一个标题栏。Prepare a caption.

由丽贝卡·林赛加注。Caption by Rebecca Lindsey.

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教主,没字幕也没文本啦?Caption and text will be added. Thx.

用于标题的点击测试选项。The hit test option for the caption.

图片下边附有说明。There is a caption under the picture.

这部电影只有英文字幕。This film has got only English caption.

由司法叙用委员会的威廉L.斯特凡诺和美国宇航局制作标题。Caption by William L. Stefanov, NASA-JSC.

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梵蒂冈说,它希望撤掉这段文字。The Vatican said it wanted the caption removed.

是否在缩图下显示图片说明。Whether to display a caption under each thumbnail.

每个级别都应该有一个标题属性。Each level should have exactly one caption attribute.

请注意,输入字段出现在标题下方。Notice that the entry field appears below the caption.

令我惊讶的是,这部影片竟然有两语字幕。It surprised me that this film has got bilingual caption.

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我看过的很多电影都是只有中文字幕的。Most of the films I watched just has got Chinese caption.

可另附说明,请列明表二各项内容。Please duplicate this form for extra caption space needed.

我们注意到你方上述标题下的八月五日来信。We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption.

他们只是展示一张河流图片。看说明。They are just showing a picture of the river. Read the caption.

如果该指针为NULL,则不改变控件的标题或文本属性。If NULL , the control's Caption or Text property is not changed.

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基于支持向量机的视频字幕自动定位方法。Automatic video caption location based on support vector machine.

接着,我根据屏幕上的提示写下了歌曲的歌词。Then I wrote down the lyric of this song according to the caption.

使用这些按钮设定标题栏标题文本的排列情况。Use these buttons to set the alignment of the titlebar caption text.