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这是一个中肯的问题。This is a relevant question.

这个也蛮有用的。And this is very much relevant.

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因此它变的更少相关连。And it's becoming less relevant.

我也不知道这存不存在相关性。And I don’t know if it’s relevant.

我认为在这里那也是有关系的。I think that is relevant here too.

这与根本就技术毫不相关。Technology is not relevant at all.

待机时间就更不重要了。Standby time is even less relevant.

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相关显示或缺欠。Relevant Indication or Imperfection.

目前相关善后工作正在进行。Relevant follow-up work is underway.

我是说所有相关的回归测试。I said all relevant regression tests.

我完全赞成要保持激情与新潮。I’m all for staying hip and relevant.

科普知识的传播是很必要的。Popular science is relevant to our life.

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显然,与弦脉相关的临床疾病范围较广。Taut pulse is relevant to most diseases.

记下有关联的媒体和交易方式。Write to relevant media and trade press.

久保田在这里查找有关信息。Kubota to find relevant information here.

相关的信息提取任务包括Relevant information extraction tasks are

如属实,你能否介绍相关信息?If so, can you introduce relevant details?

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因此,该组织对中国的无端指责是不可接受的。Relevant accusation is thus not acceptable.

但问题是相关的。Chirala, India But the question is relevant.

ESU和学校融入不相关。ESU and school integration are not relevant.