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1984年初,到了再次参加连任竞选的时候了。In early 1984, it was time to run for reelection again.

德国总理格哈德·施罗德将再次竞选的基础建立在反对伊拉克战争之上。German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder based his reelection campaign on opposition to the war.

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如果查韦斯赢得二月十五日公投,他将试图参加2012年大选,赢得又一个总统任期。If Chávez wins the Feb. 15 referendum, he'd seek reelection in 2012 to another six-year term.

市政府官员石原慎太郎在成功当选第四次连任以后,马上宣布这个消息。City governor Shintaro Ishihara made the announcement soon after winning reelection for a 4th term.

罗斯福家族的另一个成员,富兰克林·罗斯福于1932年当选总统,随后连任3届。Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1932 and then rolled up the next 3 reelection campaigns.

亚瑟·伯恩斯,前美联储主席,当时出现了严重的通货膨胀,一直持续到1972年,理查德·尼克松连任总统。Arthur Burns, chairman of the Fed, There's a big inflation run up to Richard Nixon's reelection in 1972.

正在忙于来年选举的脆弱的联合政府目前正处于四面楚歌之中。The fragile coalition government that is up for reelection next year is literally besieged on all sides.

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南达科他的乔治.麦戈文参议员在自己保守的州里正在谋求连任,因此也婉拒了这一请求。Senator George McGovern of South Dakota, who was up for reelection in his conservative state, also declined.

最近几天,很多股东呼吁通过投票来反对某些董事会成员的连任。Some shareholders in recent days are now calling for votes against the reelection of certain members of the board.

是你,连续三年蝉联抢断王,前无古人,恐怕也后无来者了吧。Is you, reelection steals in three consecutive years, unprecedented, I am afraid no one will follow those of the bar.

1980年,我在竞选州长连任时失败,最先给我打来电话的就有“秃头诺伯”中的一个成员。In 1980, when I was defeated for reelection as governor, one of the first calls I got was from one of the Bald Knobbers.

布什总统就曾在2004年“你想和谁喝杯啤酒”的民意问卷上占有优势,并获得连任。President Bush kept his edge on the “Who would you like to have a beer with?” poll question in 2004, and won reelection.

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出于这些以及其他原因,争取连任的议员──无论其政党归属──都非常有可能赢得选举。For these reasons and more, incumbents who run for reelection are very likely to win, no matter which party they belong to.

最好是等待病情稳定后再选择适宜的治痔疗法。Had better be the treatment treating naevus with appropriate choose of the reelection after awaiting an illness to stabilize.

如果我不能让他回心转意,我就应该在白宫外面向媒体发表声明,撤回我对他竞选连任的支持。If I couldn’t change his mind, I should talk to the press outside the White House and withdraw my support for his reelection.

在每个规定的选举年中,全国都要重新选举全体的众议院议员和大约三分之一的参议院议员。Every member of the House of Representatives and about one-third of the Senate is up for reelection in any given election year.

奥巴马表示如无例外,总统改选获胜后他会把首次国际访问安排在泰国这一在全球占有重要地位的国家。Mr. Obama says it's no accident he's making his first international trip since winning reelection to this important part of the globe.

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2009年11月3日,国家主席胡锦涛致电哈米德·卡尔扎伊,祝贺他再次当选阿富汗伊斯兰共和国总统。On November 3, 2009, Chinese President Hu Jintao sent a message to Afghan President Hamid Karzai congratulating him on his reelection.

此次改选的原因是总理的信任案被否决,因而导致了众议院被解散。The reason of this reelection is that the chancellor's vote of confidence is vetoed which results in the dissolution of the Parliament.

接替吉布斯的人选将是杰伊·卡尼,而吉布斯最终将担任奥巴马总统2012年竞选连任的顾问的角色。The replacement for Gibbs, who eventually will take on a new role advising the president's 2012 reelection campaign, will be Jay Carney.