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杰西还没有回来么?Has Jessie still been out?

你好!我是埃玛·帕顿,我妹妹叫杰西。Hello, I'm Emma Parton, my sister is Jessie.

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补气杰西将在审核过程中支持我。Qi Jessie will support me during this audit.

杰西•罗耶给卸下雪橇狗套,让狗进食。A handler for Jessie Royer unloads dogs to feed them.

这张是丽熙一个星期大影的。This Photo was taken yesterday when Jessie is one week old.

杰克指示杰西不要射杀嫌犯,他需要活捉嫌犯。Jack directs Jessie not to shoot the suspect because he needs him alive.

在韦斯顿的书仪式和传奇里也找不到。It is not to be found in Miss Jessie Weston's book on ritual and romance.

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他们每个人都带来了一根拴狗的皮绳,杰西也拿出巴特的皮绳,接着她把四根皮绳都系到巴特的项圈上。Jessie found Bart’s leash. She fastened the four leashes to Bart’s collar.

谢东、胡劲松的电话会议中,他们给出了同样的说辞。In the call meeting with Xie Dong and Hu Jessie they gave the similar words.

杰西在初级小女孩做饼比赛中获胜。Jessie won the pie-making contest in the third class for the youngest girls.

珍斯。古吉今年15岁,她不相信指控,特别是对赛思尔。玛菲女士的指控。Jessie Gugig, 15, said she could not believe the charges, especially against Mrs.

杰西几乎为巴特做了所有事,但是有一件事她不能做,那就是带着巴特散步。Jessie did almost everything for Bart. But there was one thing Jessie couldn't do.

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现在弗莱茨布利勋爵和他的儿子都消失了,只有小杰西看到究竟发生了什么。Now Lord Flatsbury and his son have vanished, and only little Jessie saw what happened.

珍斯.古吉今年15岁,她不相信指控,特别是对赛思尔.玛菲女士的指控。Jessie Gugig, 15, said she could not believe the charges, especially against Mrs. Murphy.

这就是胡劲松宣称为“人道主义”的一年。This was the exact year which Hu Jessie claimed as " the year of humanitarianism for Yuan".

搏,并指导他的年轻助手杰西·雷诺兹戴上听诊器也听一听。He instructed his young assistant, Jessie Reynolds, to put up her stethoscope and do the same.

杰西是佩吉住院后第一个也是最要好的一个朋友,大约一年前去世的。Jessie had been Peggy's first and best friend in the hospital, who had died about one year ago.

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现在三只猫在老窝子团聚了,谢瑞两口子很开心,他们希望杰西能在老家幸福地生活下去。The Gales believe the cats are all reunited now and are happy for Jessie to stay at their old home.

那男孩请假去看足球赛,回来时被他父亲痛骂了一顿。The boy asked for a leave to watch the football match. When he returned his father gave him Jessie.

英国的伯蒂和杰西•伍德夫妇竟在98岁时闹起了离婚,成为世界上年龄最大的离婚者。British couple Bertie and Jessie Wood have become the oldest couple in the world to divorce –aged 98.