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它与腕管综合症有何不同呢?How is it different from carpal tunnel syndrome?

腕管综合征继发性痛风是少见。Carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to gout is uncommon.

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最为人熟知的肢体重复性劳损症是腕管综合症。The most commonly known RSI is carpal tunnel syndrome.

主要的职业病是腕骨综合症。The main occupational hazard is carpal tunnel syndrome.

使用键盘会增加患腕管综合症的风险吗?Does Keyboard Use Increase the Risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

腕关节,由于搅拌、剁砍、舀盛而神经受损。Carpal tunnel, nerve damage from stirring and chopping and spooning.

我的一位朋友由于从事蛋糕制作业而引发了严重的腕管。A friend of mine developed severe carpal tunnel from cake decorating.

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其他部位包括伸肌腱,腕管,和Guyon管。Other sites include the extensor tendons, the carpal tunnel, and the Guyon canal.

腕隧道症候群是最常见的周边神经病变之一。Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common peripheral entrapment neuropathies.

腕关节内源性韧带分布于远近两排腕骨之间。Intrinsic carpal ligaments exist between the carpal bone in the proximal or distal rows.

我的母亲做了二十多年的办公室工作,最后得了腕管综合症。My mother worked in offices for twenty years, and she finally had carpal tunnel syndrome.

如果你每天重复这个简单的动作,那么你就不会受到手腕综合症的困扰了。Carpal tunnel syndrome shouldn't catch up to you if you repeat this simple move every day.

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成年人给予生长激素,则会造成末端肥大及腕管综合症。Human adults given growth hormone have suffered from acromegaly and carpal tunnel syndrome.

成年人给予生长激素,则会造成末端肥大以及腕管综合症。Human adults given growth hormone have suffered from acromegaly and carpal tunnel syndrome.

目的比较腕骨和跗骨骨折的影像学检查方法。Objective To compare the imaging examination method of carpal bone and tarsal bone fracture.

你一直抱怨你的不舒服的腕关节,就会在数小时后成为健身损伤的诱因。That carpal tunnel you're complaining about 9-5 could contribute to a gym injury after-hours.

目的了解嗜酸性筋膜炎与腕管综合征的关系。Objective To study the relationship between the carpal tunnel syndrome and eosinophilic fasciitis.

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目的为腕管松解术及掌中间隙引流术提供解剖学基础。Objective To provide the anatomical basis for the carpal tunnel and the middle palmar space drained.

注射生长激素会造成可逆性关节疼痛,腕管综合症,以及糖尿病。Taking growth-hormone injections may cause reversible joint pain, carpal tunnel, and proto-diabetes.

结论高频超声在肘管、腕管综合征的诊断及鉴别诊断中具有重要价值。Conclusion High frequency ultrasound is of high diagnostic value in cubital and carpal tunnel syndrome.