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达雷尔威尔克是负责为主席。Darrell Wilk is assuming responsibility as president.

帕蒂和达雷尔还发布了今年的CD细根。Patty and Darrell also released fine roots CDs this year.

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达雷尔斯蒂文森,左,是美国牛仔和牛牧场主。Darrell Stevenson, left, is an American cowboy and cattle rancher.

他站了起来,跑向河边,跳到了达瑞尔身边。He got up and ran to the river and jumped onto the log with Darrell.

可怜的戴瑞尔在绿旗挥下前就情绪过分激动。Poor Darrell was in danger of overheating as the green flag dropped.

另一个船工跑向河边,纵身一跃和达瑞尔站在了一起。Another man then ran to the river and jumped on the log with Darrell.

其实是暗指众议院监督委员会主席达雷尔伊萨。Obama said, alluding to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa.

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达雷尔Scott是另一种声音组成南福音歌曲式的合唱团。Darrell Scott is the other voice making up the Southern Gospel-esque choir.

或者也许是内务委员会监管主席达雷尔伊萨议员?Or perhaps Representative Darrell Issa, chair of the House Committee on Oversight?

突然达瑞尔迅速转动圆木三次,然后上下跳动停止圆木的转动。Suddenly Darrell burled the log three times quickly then jumped up and down to stop it.

达雷尔·伊萨是加州选区的共和党议员,靠汽车报警器发家,堪称最富有的议员。Darrell Issa, a Republican representative from California, is one of the richest men in Congress.

儿童保护中心的官员称,这些女孩中,31名或者已经育有孩子,或者怀孕了。Of those girls, 31 either have children or are pregnant, said Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar.

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萨斯喀彻温跳过达雷尔麦基供给了对在新没有伦瑞克省的哈利法克斯3月7日布里尔冰壶锦标赛杆。Saskatchewan skip Darrell McKee delivers ashot against New Brunswick at the Brier curling championships in Halifax March 7.

“他把加州看作一个中庸而温和之地,”民主党的州参议会临时主席达瑞尔·斯坦贝格这样说。"He's recognized that California's a pretty moderate place, " says Darrell Steinberg, the Democratic president pro tem of the Senate.

布道的是教堂的牧师,州议员,也是希拉里竞选班子的顾问达瑞尔杰克逊。Delivering the sermon was the church's pastor, Darrell Jackson, who's also a state senator and paid consultant for Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign.

凶手可能是任何人,包括性治疗师丽贝卡马西斯,强迫囚犯达雷尔马丁,和无能的成功商人汤姆·穆勒。The murderer could be anyone including sex therapist Rebecca Mathis, obsessive convict Darrell Martine, and successful impotent businessman Tom Mueller.

达里尔·格林在美国红皮队效力了20年,即将成为入选2008美国职业橄榄球名人堂中的一员。Darrell Green, who played his entire 20-year career with the Redskins , will be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2008.

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众议院监管委员会的共和党头目达雷尔•伊萨说,这一事件加重了人们对证交会的独立性与公平性的严重质疑。It raises “serious questions about the commission’s independence and impartiality,” said Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee.

众议院监管委员会的共和党头目达雷尔•伊萨说,这一事件加重了人们对证交会的独立性与公平性的严重质疑。It raises “serious questions about the commission’s independence and impartiality, ” said Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee.

光滑的墙上突出的烛台来自华盛顿州的达雷尔院古董,橙色麂皮绒覆盖的高背椅子来自于堡格林室内。The serpent wall sconces are from Darrell Dean Antiques in Washington, D. C. The orange suede-covered high-back chairs are from Yu Interiors in Fort Greene.