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他在爱情上的沉默延长了魔法。But his reticence of love prolonged it.

爱情,在静穆中生长,又在遐想中浓郁。Love grows in reticence and matures in reverie.

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苏志燮,话不多却真诚的演员。SoJiSub, the actor with sincerity out of reticence.

面对这些轻微滋扰,他沉着冷静、保持沉默。In these slight ruffles he retained both his composure and his reticence.

也许我们有缘,相逢某一天,一见如故无庸讳言。Perhaps we have the fortune, to meet one day. There's no need for any reticence.

可以确定的是,日本的节俭很大程度上是因为自身经济的不景气。Certainly much of Japan's reticence to spend stems directly from its economic woes.

我们应该保持客观沉默当我们在新闻里读到像这样的研究。We should have a great deal of reticence when we read about studies like this in the news.

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Kaos说,Jacobs的寡言少语为玩家对事件自行解读留了余地。Kaos says that Jacobs’ reticence leaves room for the player’s own interpretation of events.

要是在过去,面对欧佩克产能的停滞不前,非欧佩克公司。In the past, non-OPEC firms would have more than compensated for the cartel's reticence to invest.

路德并不明白慈运理为何无法接受基督在圣餐中实际的同在。Luther did not understand Zwingli's reticence to accept a physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

这种情况的发生,在于英国文学中其真正艺术风格的节制与谨严还没有出现。And for this, the fact that in English literature the reticence of true art has not yet appeared, is responsible.

令人惊讶的是,那些最不愿开口一味保持缄默的人往往来自那些理应最关心科学的人之中。Surprisingly, the strongest reticence to speak out often comes from those who should be most worried about silence.

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王和甫仍是笑嘻嘻地说。他的老是带几分开玩笑似的笑嘻嘻,和孙吉人的沉默寡言是很相反的。Wang Ho-fu spoke with his usual bantering smile, which contrasted strongly with Sun Chi-jen's reticence and taciturnity.

在威特华斯牧师的祝福下,我已为长长风景、冰泳和新英格兰的缄默这样一个世界所接纳。With Reverend Whitworth's blessing, I had been admitted to a world of long views and icy swims and New England reticence.

沉默权制度是英美法系中一个重要制度,在我国尚没有明确规定。Reticence right system is an important one in the British-American law discipline. There hasn't been definite regulations in our country yet.

但愿意这样做的科学家,特别是文学领域的学者寥寥无几,所以“维基”百科正在进行一项调查,以确定这种沉默背后的原因。But too few scientists and particularly literary scholars are willing, so Wikipedia is undertaking a survey to get to the bottom of their reticence.

然而,我们若要对曝光文化有所抑制,不能指望建立于强制性沉默新机制上的电视广播网和报纸。Yet if we ever do rein in the culture of exposure, it won’t be because the networks and the newspapers settle upon a new regime of enforced reticence.

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虽然还没有人挺身而出,据报道温斯洛普媒体公司的管理层也意识到其雇员不愿工作,并准备采取行动。While no one has come forward as of yet, management at Winthrop Media is reportedly aware of its employees' reticence to work and prepared to take action.

自认为双性恋者的问题比例比预想的要低,这也许反映了一些双性恋者对自己身份有所保留,Haller说。Lower than expected rates of problems among self-identified bisexuals may reflect a reticence of some bisexuals to identify themselves as such, said Haller.

不论英国人的保守,法国人的浪漫,美国人的率直,中国人的含蓄,我对你的思念将成为永恒。Missing you becomes everlasting, despite the reserve of the British, the romance of the French, the bluntness of the Americans, the reticence of the Chinese.