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我接受你的箴规。Iall take your guidelines.

本准则针对这一空白。The guidelines address this gap.

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他们没有自己的指导方针。They have no guidelines of their own.

红树林管理准则。Mangrove forest management guidelines.

对看电视和吃零食制定严格的规定。Set firm guidelines for snacks and TV.

但是我仍然需要一些一般的指南。But I still need some general guidelines.

这些指南针对年龄18-65岁的健康成年人。These guidelines are for healthy adults aged 18-65.

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根据塞内加尔的情况修订世卫组织的IMAI指南以在塞内加尔使用。Customizing WHO’s IMAI guidelines for use in Senegal.

让我们更详细地逐条研究这些指导方针。Let's look at each of these guidelines in more detail.

对于超过65岁的有另外补充的指南。There are additional guidelines for those over age 65.

政府已颁布了新的税改方针。The government has issued new guidelines on tax reform.

但是,不要让这些指导方针限制您的想像。Don't let these guidelines limit your imagination, though.

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遵从美国指南关于最少运动量的规定。Follow U.S. guidelines for the minimum amount of exercise.

计算确信因子的指导如下Guidelines for calculating sureness factors are as follows

问他在这段时间,六叔是否有指引?He asked during this time, Liu Shu whether the guidelines?

按照质量体系的指导要求管理文件。Manage documentation related to Quality System guidelines.

最近的身体准则说是每晚睡7-9个小时。The most recent health guidelines say 7-9 hours per night.

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然而饮食指南是不会长期保持如此宽松的。Dietary guidelines would not remain so permissive for long.

关于在此讨论分区里的讨论版的说明。Description and guidelines for forums within this container.

关于这个讨论版的说明与指南。Description and guidelines for discussions within this forum.