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介意我在这里妄加点东西吗?Do you mind if I interject something here?

请容我在讨论中插句话,要注意。If I may interject a note of caution into the discussion.

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最后,它还必须选择最佳的打扰模式与时机。Then it has to choose the best mode and time to interject.

我肯定你能插入生活中许多这样的例子。I'm sure you can interject and include many examples from your life.

这就是笔记本电脑,你可以突然插入电源,并且你是恰当的。That's what notebook PCs are for, you might interject and you'd be correct.

我刚提出筹集基金的题目,他急忙插嘴说题目已经解决了。When I bring up the question of fund, he quickly interject that it have been settled.

现在是绝好的时机进行干预的另一个重要部分,我们的贸易战略。Now is the perfect time to interject another important part of our trading strategies.

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这儿我想插一句,听起来好像,您和他们是种牧师与受众的关系。I wanna interject here. That sounds like you're kind of a pastoral relationship with them.

当我正想找一个礼貌的借口插上这个问题时,她突然抬头望着天空。I was thinking of a polite way to interject the question, when suddenly she looked up at the sky.

“我的确不认为他是故意手球,”贝克汉姆责无旁贷地挺身而出。"I really don't think he meant it, " said David Beckham, who was bound to interject at some point.

在谈话中插入不相关的言词并且表现的像你并没有说任何无关的话。Interject incongruent words within a conversation and act like you didn’t just say anything out of context.

医学教育必须融通人文教育,才能培养出新世纪的合格医学人才。Medical education must interject with humanistic education for cultivating the eligible medical persons in new century.

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即使在平常的交谈中,人们总是喜欢插入其他内容,而不等待说话者把自己的观点表述清楚。It is human nature even in spoken conversation to interject with alternative theories before the speaker has a chance to rest the point.

如果您的网站里塞满了信息,那么看看有没有什么地方能加入点交互性。If you spend your days working on sites that are chock full of information, then find some areas where you can interject a bit of extra interaction.

有机会时,根据自己对公司的研究,要适时地表达自己对公司的想法和建议,适时地提问。Interject thoughts and comments about the business that you discovered from your research when opportunities arise. Ask questions of the interviewer when appropriate.

当我们品尝第二杯进口威士忌时,史密斯先生的思路转向了他的儿子,他与我们坐在一起,非常认真的听着,时刻准备着能加入讨论。As we sipped from our second glass of imported Whiskey, Mr. Smith's thoughts turned to his son, who was sitting with us, listening attentively and trying to interject when he could.

当我们品尝第二杯进口威士忌时,史密斯先生的思路转向了他的儿子,他与我们坐在一起,非常认真的听着,时刻准备着能加入讨论。As we sipped from our second glass of imported Whiskey, Mr. Smith’s thoughts turned to his son, who was sitting with us, listening attentively and trying to interject when he could.