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搏动性突眼的恢复与压迫颈总动脉有关。Press the CCA is proved to be relative with recovery of pulsating exophthalmos.

外伤性搏动性眼球突出的可脱性球囊栓塞手术。Embolization treatment with detachable balloon for traumatic pulsating exophthalmos.

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结果主要临床表现为鼻堵及眼突。Results The commonest clinical manifestation was nasal obstruction and exophthalmos.

目的了解青年女性眼球突出度及其与近视眼关系。Objective To investigate the exophthalmos of female youth and its relationship with myopia.

后部包膜白内障,眼压上升,青光眼。Posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma and exophthalmos.

结论在眼眶肿瘤中血管性肿瘤、神经源性肿瘤及泪腺肿瘤是最常见致眼突的原因。Conclusion The most familiar reasons of exophthalmos are vascular tumors, neural tumors, lacrimal gland tumors.

本文重点介绍超声技术在甲亢突眼征中的诊断和病理研究应用概况。In this paper, the application of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and pathology of exophthalmos was introduced.

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目的评价分析CT对突眼的诊断价值,提高诊断准确率。Objective To evaluate the value of CT diagnosis patients with exophthalmos for improving the diagnostic accurancy.

目的分析手术治疗颅面发育不良所致突眼症的效果和并发症。Objective To analyze the efficacy and complications of the surgical correction of exophthalmos in craniofacial synostosis.

结论测量眼球突出度与眶压的比值可为诊断眶内占位性病变的性质提供依据。Conclusion The ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure can prove the character of the space-occupying lesions in orbit.

结论鼻窦肿瘤易侵及眼眶,临床多以眼球突出为首发症状。Conclusions paranasal sinus diseases maybe easier to encroach upon the orbit exophthalmos maybe the first symptom that we can found.

无手术死亡及颅内感染、脑脊液漏、搏动性突眼等严重并发症发生。No patients died and no severe complications occurred, such as intracranial infection, cerebrospinal fluid leakage and pulsating exophthalmos.

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方法用直接接触式眶压计对50例眼眶病患者进行眼球突出度及眶压测量,计算眼球突出度与眶压的比值。Methods The exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure of 50 cases suffered from orbit diseases were measured with an immediate contact orbitonometer.

目的了解眶内占位性病变为固体、液体或气体时眼球突出度与眶压比值的差异。Objective To study the change of the ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure when the space-occupying lesion of the orbit were solid, liquid or gas.

她自认为这些症状是由于功课紧张所致。体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。She suspects all the symptoms were aroused due to stress in class lessons. Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos , and tremor of fingers.

结论颅脑损伤后颅内压变化是导致眶壁向眶内骨折的主要原因,进而使眶内容积变小发生眼球突出。Conclusion The diversify of intracranial pressure is main reason of orbital fractures which toward inter orbit to shrink its volume to lead to exophthalmos after craniocerebral injury.

临床上病人呈现眼眶周围红肿、眼球内陷或外凸、双眼复视、视力减退、眼球运动受限及失明等症状。Clinical findings of orbital emphysema may include periorbital redness and swelling, enophthalmos or exophthalmos , diplopia, decreased visual acuity, limited eyeball movement and even blindness.