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河豚鱼有河豚毒素。The Puffer fish has Tetrodotoxin.

让我们从这条河豚鱼开始。Let's begin with this puffer fish.

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一个这样生物是吹风者鱼。One such creature is the puffer fish.

吹风者鱼也有滑稽的牙。The puffer fish also has funny teeth.

看到小小的货车在路上排整行。See the little puffer bellies all in a row.

鲜荔枝、河豚鱼等要谨食。Fresh lychees, puffer fish to be like to eat.

日本的各大城市都有河豚饭店。Japan's major cities have a puffer restaurant.

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河豚鱼分布于世界各地,约有100多种。Puffer fish found in the world, some more than 100 kinds.

这里的讽刺之处在于河豚保护了他们两个。The irony here is that the puffer is protecting both of them.

本发明涉及一种河豚鱼精细加工方法。The invention relates to a method of fine processing of puffer fish.

研究表明经过加工的河豚鱼烤鱼片是安全的,对人体无任何毒害作用。The results show that processed puffer fish is safe and is not toxic to human.

并成功检测出河豚鱼样品中的河豚毒素。Besides, the tetrodotoxin in the puffer fish sample had been successfully detected.

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原来我一直觉得看到很多人穿着特厚的羽绒服但不戴帽子有点好笑。In the past, the spectacle of people in giant, grotesque, puffer coats going hatless was always amusing.

暗纹东方鲀是基因组模式生物生物——红鳍东方鲀在我国特有的近缘种之一。The obscure puffer Takifugu fasciatus is a related species of the Genome Model species Takifugu rubripes.

带带入腰定义领土的河豚,同时可移动的人造毛皮修剪引擎盖保持你的选择打开。The belt brings this puffer into waist-defining territory while the removable faux fur-trimmed hood keeps your options open.

河豚还携带一种河豚毒素,这种毒素是致命的,通常存在于河豚的小肠、肝脏和卵巢中。The puffer fish also carries a poison. This poison is deadly and is usually concentrated on its intestines, liver and ovaries.

由于它没有象其他鱼的骨头,吹风者鱼能经过过程水渐渐地只移动,当它由波浪运载。Because it does not have bones like other fish, the puffer fish can only move slowly through the water as it is carried by waves.

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为了充分利用河豚鱼资源,本文对河豚鱼烤鱼片的安全生产技术进行了研究。In order to utilize the puffer fish resources furthest, a research on the process technology of secure roasted puffer fish was conducted.

但是在日本,每年医院仍会收治一群莽撞的食客,因为他们中了河豚的毒,然后诱发了急性呼吸衰竭。Still, dozens of daredevil diners in Japan head to the hospital each year with acute respiratory failure brought on by this lethal puffer fish.

管理局表示,食用含有该种致命毒素的河豚肉会引发严重的身体不适,甚至死亡,而一般的安康鱼并不含河鲀毒素。Eating puffer fish that contain this potent toxin can result in serious illness or death, the agency said. Monkfish do not contain tetrodotoxin.