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苏珊也不愿意去点亮她的烛台。She really didn't want to light her menorah either.

我看到了你窗台上的烛台,然后就哭了起来。I saw that menorah in your window and I started to cry.

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我看到了在你窗台上那个烛台,马上就哭了。I saw that menorah in your window and I started to cry.

在一边是一个有七条分支的灯柱或是烛台。And then on one side a seven-branched lampstand or menorah.

莫妮卡住处,乔伊挚着点亮蜡烛的烛台进来。Monica's apartment joey enters with a menorah the candles lit.

随着信条的转变,少数人像七分枝蜡烛台一样民族化和派系化。As symbols go, few are as national and sectarian as the menorah.

爱丽一直都很心急,想在那晚早一点将烛台打包。Ellie had been so tempted to pack the menorah earlier that night.

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有土豆烙饼、陀螺和许多放那些东西的大烛台!With latkes and dreidels and plenty menorah where those came from!

犹太人的圣物-烛台为作品赋予了代表性的意义。Sacral Jewish object Menorah lends some symbolic meaning to the picture.

你会去烤出好吃的东西、去装饰房间、点亮烛台吗?Would you bake goodies, decorate, light the menorah or the Kwanzaa candles?

就仿佛是汉娜将圣烛台放在你的窗台上让我看到一样。It was if Hannah had taken her turn and put the menorah in your window for me to see.

灯台成为犹太人的象徵,今天就以色列特色的官方标志。The menorah became a Jewish symbol and is featured today on Israel's official emblem.

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在光明节期间,家庭玩游戏、唱圣歌、交换礼物、点燃蜡烛。During Hannukah, families play games, sing songs, exchange gifts, and light the Menorah.

到时候会有巨大的圣诞树、蜡烛,等等之类的都有。And they have like a giant Christmas tree and a menorah and a bunch of other things, so.

影子在墙上富有活力灯台通过一天跟踪太阳的运动和夜间照明。A shadow menorah animates the wall tracing the movement of the sun through the day and illuminated at night.

节日典礼充满了喜庆气氛——演讲,音乐,孩子们的游戏,当然还有多连灯绚丽的光彩。The ceremony is marked with speeches, music, activities for kids and, of course, the lighting of the Menorah.

艺术家可能会看到灯台朝圣期间,然后重新创建它在犹太教堂,她建议。The artist might have seen the menorah during a pilgrimage and then recreated it in the synagogue, she suggested.

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从她身体的“原罪”所在的地方传来一个声音,说道,“你已经把烛台拿出来了,事实上它也已经点亮了。”The voice coming from that special place in her body where "mother guilt" resides said, "You have the menorah out, so light it already."

我们与内塔尼亚胡总理会晤并共进晚餐,在光明节上点燃大烛台的蜡烛,与拉宾的家人共同拜谒了他的墓地。We had a meeting and dinner with Prime Minister Netanyahu, lit candles on a menorah for Hanukkah, and visited Rabin’s grave with his family.

亚当总是抱怨光明节的时候没什么好玩的零食,所以当他看到这个缠绕起来的烛台形白面包时激动极了。就让光明节多一点光亮吧。Adam's always kvetching about the lack of cute Hanukkah treats, so he was thrilled to find this braided challah menorah. A bright addition to the Festival of Lights.