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泄露和消除。Leakage and removal.

排烟系统。Smoke removal system.

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地面除砂问题。Ground sand removal problem.

婴儿肥去除没有效果的。Baby fat removal had no effect.

常在去除RNA引物中使用。Often used for removal of RNA primers.

他们砍割犀角的方式非常残酷。The removal of the horn is very harsh.

是英文字义“除去补色”的简称。Short for Complementary Colour Removal.

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古巴方面坚持要求美国撤消封港令。Cuba insisted on removal of the embargo.

如果是后者的话,我怎么做删除操作呢?If the latter, then how do I do removal?

从田间取走作物残体。Removal of crop residues from the field.

直角犁尖雨和泥去除。Angled plow tip for rain and mud removal.

为什么他会在结肠息肉切除?Why did he go in for colon polyp removal?

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新立法要求在二○一○年之前移除。The new laws call for its removal by 2010.

F选项强制删除所有备份。The -F option forces removal of all backups.

剥皮就是把皮肤从身体剥除。Flaying is the removal of skin from the body.

是当今祛皱产品中的骄子。It is the best wrinkle removal product today.

五日生化需氧量的最佳清除温度是35℃。The best removal of BOD5 was obtained at 35℃.

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什么方法去除胎记最好呢?What method of removal of birthmarks is best?

多语种索引与停止的话免职。Multilingual indexing with stop words removal.

如出现,可选择去除。Removal of rear dewclaws, if present, optional.