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中东地区进一步的动荡也将导致“限制”。Further Mideast unrest could also lead to tightening.

中东问题对世界所有的政治家来说都是个烫手的山芋。The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politicians around the world.

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关于中东的最新消息是另一回和谈已展开。The latest news about the Mideast is the beginning of another round of peace-talks.

真实的故事是美国在中东和其他地方煽起了军备竞赛。The real story is that the US is fomenting arms races in the Mideast and elsewhere.

奥巴马总统的行动并没有表明他把中东和平进程放在外交的重点上。President Obama has little to show for making Mideast peace a foreign policy priority.

先去一家中东风的超市,他们卖很多不同口味的咖哩粉。I went to a mideast style supermarket first. They sell a lot of different curry powders.

索马里海盗已经开始掠夺从中东驶往中国的油轮或货船。Somali pirates have begun preying on tankers and freighters bound for China from the Mideast.

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中东和北非国内动乱起因的一部分便源于该地区的失业率。The civil unrest in the Mideast and North Africa stemmed in part from joblessness in the region.

下个月美国主办的中东和平会议上有可能会讨论这个问题。It is likely to be discussed at a U. S. -sponsored Mideast peace conference planned for next month.

集团的47家酒店遍布在亚洲和中东地区的主要城市以及大部分度假胜地。The 47 hotel in the group spread all over the asia and main city in mideast as well as the vacationland.

奥巴马呼吁所有各方加倍努力,再次推动中东和平进程。President Obama is calling on all parties to redouble efforts to get the Mideast peace process going again.

美国在中东地区和阿拉伯世界使用的双重标准是我们国家仇恨日益增强的主要原因。America's glaring double standard in the Mideast and Muslim world is a major reason for growing hatred of our nation.

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如今,中国大规模的工业化和对汽车的狂热使它对中东和非洲进口的石油产生了依赖。Today, China's massive industrialization and mania for cars has made it dependent on oil imported from the Mideast and Africa.

中国已经多年处于社会稳定,中国政府还是绷紧神经,担心就像中东一样叛乱会得以传播。China has come a long way, but the government is still concerned that popular rebellions like those in the Mideast could spread.

现在中国的庞大工业化和对汽车的热情已经让她依赖上了从中东和非洲进口的石油。Today, China’s massive industrialization and mania for cars has made it dependent on oil imported from the Mideast and Africa.

如果马格里布共同市场组织能超越历史上的断裂带,它将成为联系中东和非洲的欧洲-地中海一体化的一个组成部分。If the Maghreb can move beyond historical fault lines, it can be part of a Euro-Med integration linked to both the Mideast and Africa.

司法部长米斯牵涉中东油管一案,到目前为止,并不足以构成被法律或历史判罪的理由。Edwin Meese's involvement in the Mideast pipeline matter falls short, so far, of being grounds for indictment, by the court or by history.

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在约旦河西岸的1967年中东战争,以色列占领了袈裟和东耶路撒冷,在这里一个独立的巴勒斯坦已经诞生。N. recognition of an independent "Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, the areas Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.

美国斡旋的中东和平会议结束3个月后,加沙问题又成为和谈议题,使得谈判复杂化。Three months after a U.S. brokered Mideast Peace Conference, the issue of Gaza has now intruded into the talks, complicating the negotiations.

中东电视台半岛电视台播放了卡扎菲的画面,当他被武装人员在苏尔特的街道上拖拽时,他虽在流血,但还活着。The Mideast television Al Jazeera showed footage of Qaddafi, bloodied but alive, as he was dragged around by armed men on the streets in Sirte.