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这样就会更直截了当和敏锐。It's to be more forthright and incisive.

中国在人民币汇率方面应更加坦诚布公。China should be more forthright on the yuan.

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他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly.

维什以其一贯的直率作了回答。MacTavish was characteristically forthright in his reply.

保持简捷也许是雅虎的明智之选。Maintain forthright perhaps is the advisability of Yahoo to choose.

因此,在豪放词发展史上,张舜民的贡献不容忽视。Therefore, his contribution to forthright Ci can not be overlooked.

哈代对性吸引的直接描述也受到了公然抨击。They also denounced Hardy's forthright depiction of sexual attraction.

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霍奇森同样对杰队的未来表示了相同的信心。Hodgson was similarly forthright about captain Steven Gerrard's future.

在相较不太激进的女领导人中,有两位对她们的角色非常直率。Two of the less aggressive women leaders were forthright about their roles.

福特还是一个值得信赖的人,而最重要的是,他善于把直率和诚实引进政治生活中。A man to trust. But most of all, Ford brought a forthright honesty to politics.

威尔士亲王开放坦率的意见将再行展开转基因食品的大辩论。The Prince of Wales's forthright comments will reopen the whole debate about GM food.

自信是勇气,直率的表现,它和骄傲永远不能划等号。Self-confidence is the courage, forthright performance, it can never be equated pride.

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虽然现在你的同事想要坦白,你却对你的老板耍滑头。Although your co-workers are trying to be forthright now, you're leery about your boss.

前者动摇,后者坚定,前者暧昧,后者明朗。They waver while the latter stand firm, they equivocate while the latter are forthright.

在过去的16年间,斯耐德已经毫无顾忌、信心百倍的投资建成了八座工厂。Forthright and ebullient, Schneider’s built eight factories in Asia in the past 16 years.

人们期望的是坦率的更加注重原则的领导作风。What people wanted was a forthright style of leadership, with more emphasis on principle.

北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners.

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傅清华工作勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,对党忠诚老实,胸怀坦荡,性格直爽。Fu Qinghua work diligently, work conscientiously, the party faithful honest, forthright mind, character Zhishuang.

上了岁数的女人都会变得很坦诚,如果你是一个傻子或者你的行为很愚蠢,她们就会很直接的告诉你!Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk or if you are acting like one!

直率的说你在外面欠了多少债务,同时将你们的花销透明化。Be forthright and honest about things like your debt and adopt a policy of transparency when it comes to purchases.