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看,这就是红磨坊的地标。See, this is the landmark of Moulin Rough.

胭脂泪,留人醉,几时重?Moulin Rouge, keep a person drunk, when heavy?

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法国红磨坊,酒酣舞狂放。French moulin rouge, freed wine unrestrained dance.

下次我们将进入红磨坊、女人与钻石的神秘世界唷!We will start the discussion about Moulin Rough from here.

重塑上海滩海派娱乐文化,再现百乐门歌舞升平景象,打造上海的快乐红磨坊。"Recreate the legend of Parliament and build up the Moulin Rouge of Shanghai".

1994年,一个22岁的年轻人在红磨坊外面遭逮捕,因他涉嫌谋杀。In 1994, a 22-year-old was arrested outside the Moulin Rouge on suspicion of murder.

“红磨房”的女主角尼克儿。基德曼和主演“布里吉特-琼斯日记”的芮妮-齐薇格并列排在前面。Nicole Kidman in "Moulin Rouge" goes head to head with Renee Zellweger for "Bridget Jones's Diary, "

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它包括了一场在巴黎顶尖夜总会之一的表演,以及一场红磨坊奇妙的表演。It includes a show at one of the leading night clubs in Pairs and a fantastic show at " Moulin Rouge".

老天!那天在车站外再多走两步就到红磨坊了。晕!My god! Several more steps out of the station that day would send us to Moulin Rouge. I almost fainted.

此款红磨坊干红葡萄酒具有非常纯正的红宝石颜色,气味清新、并有纯正丹宁酸及果味芳香。Cixin moulin rouge red wine is very pure, pure and fresh smell ruby colour is pure tannin and fruit flavor aroma.

新画廊被划分成几个区域出售或出租给愿意成为此文化项目一部分的人。Le Moulin has been divided into parcels and will be sold or rented to people with the desire to be part of this cultural project.

红磨坊酒庄位于波尔多上美度最优质的产区,和巴黎红磨坊夜总会同名,使得该酒名气飙升。Moulin rouge in bordeaux wine in the region, and the quality of latitude and moulin rouge nightclub in Paris, the famous soaring.

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明亮的金黄色带有绿色光晕,暗示了这款酒有着完美的酸度。The Moulin Lafitte has a bright pale golden colour with a green shine. This green shine announce the perfect acidity of the wine.

法国的“红磨坊”,美国的“时代广场”,意大利的“威尼斯”,给了我难以形容的视觉震撼。The Moulin Rouge of France, the Times Square of the United States and the Venice of Italy shocked me in a way that was too strong to be described.

何况到了第十八小时的时候,整个芍丽磨坊都将毁灭,世界末日已临,还谈得上什么历史吗?。And what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour, when the world itself, even the whole Moulin Joly, shall come to its end and be buried in universal ruin?

宏伟的埃菲尓铁塔、气派的凯旋门、历史悠久的红磨房都可以在巴黎乡村法式西餐吧中看到。You can enjoy the beauty of the Eiffel Tower, Arch D' triumph, and the Moulin Rouge from your table while drinking the best French wine and enjoying the delicious French food.

在剧中,角色个个开口唱歌,唱的甚至是人们非常熟悉的现代流行歌曲!This year he focuses on nineteenth-century France in Moulin Rouge , where it seems that everyone is breaking out into song, and to boot, they're singing familiar modern pop songs.

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曾经被法国人认为最恶名昭彰的舞蹈,看电视狂人雷诺怎麽让一群洗衣妇变成一群性感可爱的康康舞娘,打造亮眼华丽的红磨坊。This comedy drama from Jean Renoir chronicles the revival of Paris' most notorious dance as it tells the story of a theater producer who turns a humble washerwoman into a star at the Moulin Rouge.