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周六是M25公路建成25周年。The M25 is 25 on Saturday.

我们就在星期六开始给他试吃豆制婴儿食品。We start him on a Saturday.

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你们星期六干什么?What do you do on Saturday?

到了周六芬利就37岁了。Finley turns 37 on Saturday.

星期六我们比较忙。Saturday is a busy day for us.

周六的早晨时运动时间。Saturday morning is sport time.

我下星期六一定要进城去。I must be in town next Saturday.

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我每个星期六都去海滩。I go to the beach every Saturday.

上周六她把我全榨干了。She cleaned me out last Saturday.

今天星期几??今天星期六。What day is today?-It's Saturday.

我要订上张桌子在周六晚用餐。I need a table for Saturday night.

星期六我通常晚起。I usually get up late on Saturday.

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汤姆每周六都去打网球。A. Tom plays tennis every Saturday.

通常我周六晚起。I normally get up late on Saturday.

我们队星期六一败涂地。Our team got clobbered on Saturday.

比赛定于星期六举行。The game is scheduled for Saturday.

那么是否有星期六的票呢?Are there tickets for Saturday then?

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约翰逊大夫周六有空吗?IsDr. Johnson available on Saturday?

高登每星期六拖地板。Gordon mops the floor every Saturday.

好的,星期六你有空吗?。Okey. Do you have Saturday available?