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但妈妈却认定奶嘴有让我窒息的危险。But Mom decided soother was a choking hazard.

我于是知道Susan的超级英雄是“抚慰者“。So I knew that Susan's superhero was a Soother.

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他是我的知己,安慰者和倾听者。He is my confident , a great soother and listener.

它除了抚慰肌肤还有其他的作用吗?Does it have any effects other than being a skin soother?

从横飞的物品和烧焦的奶嘴中我学到了什么呢?What did I get from flying objects and a charred soother?

亲爱的朋友,分享你的心灵鸡汤,让我们互相鼓励!My friends, shall we share our "soul soother" and encourage each other?

猎人使用他们的技能追踪和安抚野兽,甚至驯服野兽成为自己的宠物。Hunters use their skills to track and soother beasts, and may even tame beasts to become animal companions.

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补充一点,对于幼犬来说,这种小冰块是很好的磨牙工具,喂食时它们也乐在其中。I might add here that puppies that are teething really enjoy this as a treat and gum soother at the same time.

丰富的泡沫洗面泡沫细腻融合柠檬汁,玫瑰水化物、绿茶和金盏花。Richly foaming facial cleanser that soother and hydrates with lemon juice, rose hydrosol, green tea and calendula.

从横飞的物品和烧焦的奶嘴中我学到了什么呢?我学会了珍视父母的缺点,以及我自己的缺点。What did I get from flying objects and a charred soother? I learned to value the imperfect parts of my parents, and myself.

与薄荷与桉为冷却疼痛系列安抚奶嘴系列及肌肉冷静,这是一个很大的支持,深呼吸,以及。With Peppermint & Eucalyptus for a cooling pain soother and muscle calmer that's a great support for deep breathing as well.

思绪清晰模式针对阳白穴集中按摩,舒缓眼睛疲劳并提升注意力。The REJUVENATE Programme focuses on the "Yáng Bái" acupressure point to soother tired eyes and heighten your level of concentration.

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人在困境当中的时候最需要的其实就是几句安慰的话和一些有用的建议,人们管这些言语叫做“灵魂安慰剂”。Comforting words and helpful suggestions are usually what a person needs most in times of difficulty, and they are widely known as soul soother.