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前景乐观。The prospect is cheerful.

这样的指望已渐有眉目。That prospect has been rising.

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向下看一片空阔的景色尽收眼底。A wide prospect opened below us.

一触即发的新一轮贸易战。The prospect of a new trade war.

展望了菊粉的应用前景。It predicts the prospect of inulin.

如此美好前景的诱惑,谁能阻挡?Who can resist a prospect like that?

最后,展望了VDSL的发展前景。Finally, we give the prospect of VDSL.

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三塘湖盆地是一个有含油气远景的盆地。Santanghu Basin is of oil and gas prospect.

欧洲的市场前景甚佳。Market prospect in Europe is very favorable.

他们对战争的前景感到惊恐不安。They are alarmed at the prospect of the war.

论述了气体燃料发动机的应用前景。And the prospect of gas engines is expounded.

这种前景让网络净化者感到不安。That's a prospect that horrifies Net purists.

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欧利欣喜若狂,期待著能见到她。Ory is overjoyed at the prospect of seeing her.

这看起来是平淡无奇的景色。That may seem a distinctly unromantic prospect.

我目前的工作没多大前途。The prospect in my present job is not very good.

第5章本论文的总结与展望。Charter 5 is summary and prospect of this thesis.

对圣诞节的憧憬使得孩子们兴奋不已。The prospect of Christmas left the children agog.

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农民耕田播种,瞩望于收获。Farmers plough and sow in prospect of the harvest.

因此,具有光明前途的新内阁带来了希望。So the prospect of a new cabinet has raised hopes.

对本论文的后续研究作了相应的总结和展望。Then do a short sum-up and prospect to this paper.