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回想一下焦耳膨胀。Remember the Joule expansion.

国际单位制中的能量单位是什么,焦耳。What is the energy unit in SI? The joule.

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焦耳-汤姆逊膨胀过程相似。it's kind of like the Joule expansion, an ideal gas.

一个焦耳等于,一千克乘以米的平方除以秒的平方。A joule is a kilogram meter squared per second squared.

对理想气体,焦耳-汤姆逊膨胀过程中温度如何变化?What happened to the temperature in a Joule expansion in ideal gas?

现在关于他如何得到这个想法的,有两种不同的说法。Now, there are two stories about Joule and how he came to this insight.

同一些实物联系起来?,这就需要一个实验。Well, it's going to be an experiment, very much like the Joule experiment.

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我们会发现,你们也会发现,理想气体的焦耳系数是零。And we saw that, you saw that the Joule coefficient for an ideal gas was zero.

蜡烛燃烧取光中,只有一个焦耳的能量转为可见光,而有2500焦耳的能量是被浪费掉的。For each joule of energy a candle turns into visible light, 2,500 joules are wasted.

热量和功的关系首先是,由焦耳在1940年提出的。The relationship between heat and work was initially proposed in the 1940's by Joule.

尽管已经出现了危险,但这丝毫没有影响到爱做实验的小焦耳的情绪。Despite the danger, but has it didn't affect love doing experiments of small joule mood.

因此,梅耶,亥姆霍兹和焦耳奠定了基础理论,几乎在同一时间。Thus, Mayer, Helmholtz and Joule laid the foundation of the theory at almost the same time.

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所以说,这只是一个不错的故事而已,焦耳认为功和热之间,一定具有某种直接的联系。But it's a good story, Joule decided that there must be a direct relationship between work and heat.

他和咯咯又划着船来到群山环绕的湖上,焦耳想在这里试一试回声有多大。He rowed boats to giggle and surrounded by green mountains and lakes, the joule want here to try echo.

他说尽管Joule公司还没有一个被检定的工序,但是它的研发能力很强。He said that Joule did not yet have a proved process, but that it had strong research and development capabilities.

这个量后来被,称作焦耳膨胀系数,其实并不等于零。It turns out that this quantity here, which is called eta of J the Joule free expansion parameter, is not quite zero.

Joule公司说,他们明年将在商业设备上开始动工,希望可以在2012年运转起来。Joule said it would begin construction next year on a commercial plant, which it hopes will begin operations in 2012.

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解决热力学中的汤姆逊问题——焦耳实验与卡诺理论矛盾的是谁?。Who solved the Thomson problem in thermodynamics, i. e. the contradiction between Joule experiment and Carnot theorem?

学校教师自己研发的“焦耳定律演示器”获得了国家级科技成果专利。Joule law Demonstrating Instrument developed by teachers of our school patented national level technology achievements.

由于观测到的宇宙能量密度约为每立方公尺10-9焦耳,所以宇宙所含能量为1072焦耳。The observed cosmic energy density is about 10-9 joule per cubic meter, so the universe contains 1072 joules of energy.