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清理散乱物件和脏的物品。Clean up the clutter and dirtiness.

血肉包裹的躯体里有比地狱的污水更肮脏的东西。Inside the flesh and blood is the dirtiness more than that inside the hell's sewage.

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他可以跟任何女人在一起,只要她们愿意,但我接受不了这类人,我会觉得很肮脏。He can be with any woman if she like, but I can not accept this, I feel so dirtiness.

但架上绘画看起来就有点脏,脏也许对人的视觉冲击力会更大。But the painting on the canvas seems a bit dirty, and maybe this dirtiness makes it more visually striking.

在推销时,去除心灵的污点,然后整理干净,这有可能吗?Is it possible to scrub out all the mental dirtiness marketing conjures up, and find a way to make it clean?

他可以跟任何女人在一起,只要她们愿意,但我接受不了这类人,我会觉得很肮脏。I found some dirtiness in the holes of my harmonica, but could not get it out. So can I use water to wash it?

便后不洗手等不良的个人卫生习惯是导致键盘污染的重要原因。Poor personal hygiene, such as not washing hands after going to the toilet, may also add to the dirtiness of keyboards.

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便后不洗手等不良的个人卫生习惯也是导致键盘污染的重要原因。Poor personal hygiene, such as not washing hands after going to the toilet, may also add to the dirtiness of keyboards.

禁忌现象表现了人们美好的愿望、理想和追求,以及人们对死亡、罪恶和淫秽之类的反感。Taboo shows people's beautiful aspiration, ideal and pursuit as well as people's repugnance of death, evil and dirtiness.

有没有可能,洗净市场化带来的精神上的污垢,或者至少能保佑本真?Is it possible to scrub out all the mental dirtiness marketing conjures up, and find a way to make it clean? Or at least authentic?

在每个人自我救赎的行动中,我们失去的只是肮脏和丑恶的假面。In the action for self-salvation, what we loss is only dirtiness and mask, and what we gain is true respect and the most beautiful life.

这些未献出爱、在生命结束的最后一刻没有向主奉献爱的人是可怜和肮脏的。It is pitiful and dirtiness for those who are not giving, not bringing in the last moment that they are finishing their lives, love to their Lord.

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在我所有的马中,这匹马非常高贵,它从不让自己淹入肮脏之中的,一定是有什么地方不对劲。Of all my horses, I thought this one was of such high quality that he would never let himself sink into dirtiness . There must be something wrong.

正如其它脏话,暴露于光线之下,一次又一次不带道歉,不感局促说出来,都会清洗肮脏感。As with the four-letter words, its dirtiness can be cleansed away by exposure to the light, by saying it over and over without apology or embarrassment.

柏拉图说过,人的灵魂来自一个完美的家园,那里没有我们这个世界上任何的污秽和丑陋,只有纯净和美丽。Plato said, the soul of human came from a perfect homestead, here, there were nothing about the dirtiness and ugly in the world except purity and beauty.

在不刺激皮肤的情况下,温和细腻的泡沫能有效地清洁肌肤上的污垢和老化角质,淡化面部黄气,更可令肌肤恢复光泽、白皙。Without stimulating the skin, the mild foaming can effectively clean the dirtiness and aged horns, fade the yellow color on the face and make the skin shining and white.