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这碟菜会不会太辣了?Is the dish too spicy?

姜是老的辣!The ginger old is spicy !

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整道菜口感辛辣又不失美味。It is spicy but delicious.

我不习惯吃加有香料的食品。I'm not used to spicy food.

真鲷会不会太辣?Is the red snapper too spicy?

那块豆腐对他来说太辣了。The tofu was too spicy for him.

你喜欢吃麻辣火锅吗?Do you like to eat spicy hot pot?

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不要吃生冷和刺激性食物。Don't eat anything cold or spicy.

这东西又麻又辣,我的嘴唇都麻了。It's so spicy. My lips went numb.

四川火锅吃起来很辣。Sichuan Hotpot tastes very spicy.

是谁身上有那么浓的香味?Who's wearing that spicy perfume?

一点儿也不辣。我喜欢吃辣菜。No, not at all. I love spicy food.

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你可以尝尝麻辣烫。You can try some spicy hotchpotch.

香味弥漫著厨房。The spicy smell pervaded the kitchen.

四川菜大都麻辣浓香。Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.

路易斯安那州的菜肴,通常都是即咸又辣。Cajun food is often very salty and spicy.

有一点点来教江口味的加香子弹酒。Spicy shooter involving a touch of sambal.

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适宜搭配香煎羔羊肉片、牛肉及味浓的辛辣菜肴。Enjoy with lamb, beef and rich spicy meals.

我真的很有兴趣吃麻辣火锅。I am really in the mood for a spicy hotpot.

将香辣料包中的调料撒在鱼表面。Spread the spicy bag on the fish's surface.