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踩碎蜂巢中的蜜。Tread down honey in the honeycomb.

将机器压成蜂窝煤,能烧得着吗?Honeycomb briquette made of this machine?

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蜜蜂将花蜜储存在蜂巢的各个小蜂窝中。CELL】Bees store honey in the cells of a honeycomb.

蜂窝是安卓的第一款桌面优化软件。Honeycomb is Android's first tablet-optimized software release.

Xoom体验的一个关键部分在于它运行google的蜂巢版安卓系统。A key part of the Xoom experience is that it is running Honeycomb.

我们决定在那之前暂不开放‘蜂巢’的源代码。Until then, we've decided not to release Honeycomb to open source.

蜂窝篦齿是航空发动机中的重要封严结构。Honeycomb segment was an important sealing structure of the aero engine.

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胸膜下蜂窝囊泡可见于数个相邻层面。Subpleural honeycomb cysts typically occur in several contiguous layers.

不过它的最大的问题也在于其运行蜂巢系统。The biggest problem with the tablet is also that it is running Honeycomb.

本文研究了蜂窝夹层结构雷达天线罩损伤的修补。In this paper the repair of damaged honeycomb sandwich radome was studied.

这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.

本发明涉及防沙固沙塑料编织的网。The present invention relates to honeycomb sand-binding plastic braid net.

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并进行了蜂窝状车载催化剂的设计和中试试验。Then design honeycomb catalyst for vehical and carry on intermediate test.

蜂窝式无线电通信网,方法,协议和计算机程序。Honeycomb radio communication network, method, protocol and computer program.

肺结构变形、蜂窝状囊性变、牵引性支扩和肺纤维化。Lung distortion, honeycomb cysts, traction bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis.

具有磨玻璃征,含多个空泡或呈蜂窝征的病灶,在肺泡癌中出现率较高。The ground glass, vacuolus and honeycomb sign had higher incidence in this tumor.

因为蜜蜂有刺而害怕蜂箱的人,是不享受蜂蜜的。He is not worthy of the honeycomb that shuns the hive because the bees have stings.

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蜂窝纸托盘,主要是有纸蜂窝配以纸质辅料制成。Honeycomb paper trays, paper honeycomb is largely made of virtually paper supplies.

上周在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展演示了蜂巢系统。Honeycomb was demoed at the Consumer Electronics Show, held last week in Las Vegas.

但是,IDC的斯托费多表示,蜂巢现在还不能完全的三维功能。However, Honeycomb won't offer full 3D capability for awhile, IDC's Stofega stated.