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但他们断然古雅。But they were decidedly quaint.

这人真是个谜。Decidedly this man was an enigma.

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毫无疑问的是她并不属于这个群体。She was decidedly not part of the group.

不过你所看见的并不断然是你所得到的。But what you saw was decidedly not what you got.

是什么让电影果断Hitchcockian性质呢?What makes a film decidedly Hitchcockian in nature?

香槟的选择也并不依靠年份。And the champagne of choice is decidedly non-vintage.

这样一种光明的消失是决不可能的,她祈祷。The eclipse of such a light was decidedly impossible.

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“老实说,”那位外祖父说,“他真舍得干。”"He is getting decidedly wild," said his grandfather.

那个佳公子还吸着烟,因为那肯定是时髦的风尚。This dandy was smoking, for he was decidedly fashionable.

抱定本土经营的理念,同时也承担一些特殊风险。Being decidedly local also carries other, idiosyncratic risks.

尽管如此,在达格利什的带领下,球队的未来必将重现光彩。Even so, under Dalglish, the future feels decidedly bright again.

至于我,我决定要就他们的个体说说自己的看法。As for me, I decidedly have something to say about the individual.

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他们的方法明确地集中于业务知识。Their approach is decidedly focused on the knowledge of the business.

克罗大娘没好气地替她搬了把椅子。Aunt Chloe set a chair for her in a manner decidedly gruff and crusty.

有时候她果断而迂回曲折地筹划对我们的谋杀计划。Sometimes it takes decidedly circuitous routes in planning our demise.

而她对未来流露出的希望和担心,也与一般人并无二致。However, her hopes and concerns for the future appear decidedly normal.

唯一的不同就是滑冰运动员的姿势明显要优美很多。The only difference is that the skater does so decidedly more elegantly.

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在与“美丽”电源填补了世界第四的火箭人是决议性的平原。In a world filled with "pretty" PSU's the Rocketeer IV is decidedly plain.

例如,银行和会计师事务所的会议室仍然是毛料西装的天下。Banks and accounting-firm boardrooms, for instance, remain decidedly woolen.

和其下属的反应一直断然模糊的,如果能够很好协调。And their underlings' response has been decidedly vague, if well-coordinated.