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皇帝企图废黜教皇。The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.

选举和撤换酋长的权利。The right to elect chieftains and to depose them.

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本文研制了用于阴极电泳漆处理的HNA型复合超滤膜。The HNA composite membrane was prepared to depose electrophoresis paints.

其后不久,野心勃勃者动用黑魔法的力量废黜了尚武的国王。Not long after, ambitious men used black magic to depose the warrior king.

在很多地方都可以租到自行车,通常,你要为此支付租赁费。Yor can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a depose.

部落会议也有罢免首领和酋帅的权利。The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs.

中国应该认真对待问题,并在公平调查后辞退工程师。China should delve into matter seriously and depose the engineer after fair investigation.

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路德维希二世不理智的反抗导致政府宣布他患有精神病,并于1886年罢黜了他。The king's refusal to react rationally led the government to declare him insane and depose him in 1886.

他还激烈地指斥札卡理教皇不该为扶立不起,帮他废了墨洛温朝末代国王。And he vehemently censures Pope Zachary for having helped to depose the last of the Merovingians in favour of Pepin.

如果转而试图推翻卡扎菲政权这个更有侵略味的行动,阿拉伯世界的公众支持就变的至关重要。If the mission shifts toward a more aggressive effort to depose Gadhafi, public support from Arab states will be crucial.

9月末,俄罗斯又重新回到了新闻头条中来,因为立场强硬的议员们试图解除叶利钦的职务。Toward the end of September, Russia dashed back into the headlines, as hard-line parliamentarians tried to depose Yeltsin.

另外一些人则争辩说议会主权原则滥觞于17、18世纪,当时的议会主张任命和罢免君主的权利。Others argue that originated in the 17th and 18th centuries when Parliament asserted the right to name and depose a monarch.

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受黑暗力量迷惑的阿纳金甚至承诺要废黜皇帝,把银河系变成他和帕德梅所希望的样子。Deluded with power, Anakin even promised that he could depose the Emperor, and make the galaxy exactly what he and Padmé wanted it to be.

读卖和朝日新闻今天引述日本党政官员的话报导,小泉计画十五日将宫路免职。Quoting Japanese government officials, the Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun reported today that Koizumi plans to depose Miyaji on the 15th.

可是,辛巴朴实纯真,只知道和青梅竹马的女友娜娜玩耍,不能承担父亲托付的重任,这一切使王叔刀疤蠢蠢欲动,设计杀兄篡位。However Simba simple innocence, only play with childhood girlfriend Nana, cannot undertake father entrusted mission, all around Wang Shu scar, depose brother design to kill.

很多逃离利比亚的移民之前在利比亚从事低薪工作。今年二月利比亚反政府力量发动进攻,试图推翻长期统治利比亚的卡扎非。Many of the migrants who fled Libya worked in low-paying jobs before anti-government rebels launched an offensive in February to depose longtime Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

但是当摩萨德克试图将石油业国有化并废除伊朗国王时,英国和美国政府组织政变使国王得以复辟。But when Mossadeq attempted to nationalise the oil business and depose the shah, the British and American governments authorised a counter-coup that restored the shah to power.

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在本级人民代表大会闭会期间,补选上一级人民代表大会出缺的代表和罢免个别代表。During the close session of the present level meeting supplement and elect the representatives absent from the above level people's congress and depose individual representatives.

美国和欧洲的军事政策制定者们也应该准备好进行更强有力的军事行动,包括空袭在内,只要是对废免卡扎非和停止战事有必要,一切必要的军事手段都可以采取。U. S. and European military planners should also prepare for more robust military action, including air strikes, if that becomes necessary to depose Qaddafi and stop the fighting.

声明把莫斯科的军事行动,以及推翻格鲁吉亚民选政府的明显意图说成是在21世纪“不可接受的”行为。Bush, in a somber White House statement before that call, termed Moscow's military drive and seeming effort to depose Georgia's elected government "unacceptable" behavior in the 21st century.