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是的,我们全忘了。Yes, we forgot.

我忘了带书包。I forgot my bag.

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对不起,我之前忘了。Sorry, I forgot.

我忘了带钥匙。I forgot my keys.

哦,我忘了凯尔特人!Oh, I forgot Celtic!

我把那件事给忘了。I've forgot the matter.

忘记我是将死之人了?。Forgot I was dying, huh?

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就能够在哪里被忘尽。The crime can be forgot.

我忘了曾寄这封信的事。I forgot post the letter.

也许祈洛也忘了。Maybe Mr Luo also forgot.

不要忘记爱你的伙伴。Donnot forgot your frinds.

忘记了叫什么花,月季红?Forgot what name it is ! ?

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嘿!我忘记一些事。He-ey! I forgot something.

仟羽,你忘记了我吗?Rebeca, do you forgot me ?

他忘了把小费也算上。He forgot to add in the tip.

我忘记了他有多帅!I forgot how handsome he is!

我把地图忘在出租车上了。I forgot my map in the taxi.

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我忘了曾寄这封信的事。I forgot posting the letter.

我忘了打包我的洗发精。I forgot to pack my shampoo.

对了,我忘记你是金牛。I forgot. You are a Taurean.