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会如此出现在审判日。Come on Judgement Day.

他相信他的判断。He trusted in his judgement.

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不会是原来的我。Wake it up on Judgement Day.

自动开路端点判别。Open wire open-side judgement.

一切行动均以判断为基础。All action is based on judgement.

仅仅一句表扬就是公正的评价了。Only a praise is a fair judgement.

肉体复活会在审判日发生。That would happen on Judgement Day.

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对于近最后审判接近兑现。For the Last Judgement draweth nigh.

另一些事件是关于判断的。Other issues are a matter of judgement.

进行这样的判断需要一定的业务知识。Such judgement needs business knowledge.

判断往往因利害关系而有偏差。The judgement is often biased by interest.

这体现了判断力和洞察力的匮乏。It shows a lack of judgement and awareness.

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我们有了更多的知识,但我们的判断力变差了。We have more knowledge, but less judgement.

我们在等待上帝令人生畏的审判。We are waiting for God's dreadful judgement.

因为耶和华将采取一切在审判的日子。For the lord will take it allOn judgement day.

判断下一下病征系咩病?。Is the diagnostic below judgement baa disease?

我要等听了对方的辩词之后才下判断。I'll stay judgement till I hear the other side.

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或者它们很消极带有判断?Or are they tinged with negativity and judgement?

他的判断并不带有个人成见。His judgement was uncoloured by personal prejudice.

新闻周刊的卖点在于有见地的观点。The selling point of newsweeklies is judgement view.