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这辆有古怪的车被随后而来的警察追上。The car was pursued by police after it was spotted being driven erratically.

由于他非常兴奋,他心里开始扑腾越来越多的不稳定。As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

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突然炉火溅射了出来,照亮了他眼中的悲哀。Erratically the flames burst forth, lighting up the sadness in his dark eyes.

由于交通堵塞,公交车不规律地向前移动,而且速度非常的慢。The bus is movieing forward erratically at a very slow speed because of the traffic jam.

主要规定的SAR系统涉及到它的使用在一个不稳定移动安全。The major proviso on the SAR system relates to its use in an erratically moving security.

你是否见过当文档加载时其内容会显示不规律的移动?Ever watch the display of a page's contents shift around erratically while the document is loading?

所以当敌方侦查兵在攻击时,多跳跃和不规则地移动能帮助你减少所受的伤害。If a Scout is attacking you, jump around and move erratically to minimize the damage that you take.

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突然,那辆卡车开始无规律地左冲右撞,虽然那个骑摩托车的男人奇迹般地躲过了卡车when suddenly the truck swerved erratically. Miraculously the motorcyclist avoided hitting the truck

如果野村股价因此出现异常波动,该行管理层未来几天或将面临考验。That could test Nomura's management in coming days if the share price behaves erratically as a result.

我看着这些小小的棉絮逐渐堆积在人行道上,时不时打着旋儿掠过我的脸。I looked at the little cotton fluffs that were building up along the sidewalk and swirling erratically past my face.

警方说他们拦截了一可疑车辆,驾驶员随后向他们开枪。Police say they stopped a man driving erratically and the driver opened fire on them. A search is on for the gunman.

节食,饥一顿饱一顿,或是进食不规律,都会造成血糖降低血糖,出现虚弱,烦躁和疲劳症状。Dieting, skipping meals, or eating erratically can lower blood sugar, with symptoms such as weakness, irritability, and fatigue.

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坐在驾驶员位子上的紧张男子,将飞机回转之后逆风而行,尽管飞行得并不稳定,但片刻之后他们还是升到了空中。The tense man sitting in the pilot's seat swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air, though flying erratically.

老林冠往往有这种枯干,很大的死树枝,随大树倒下而崩断,不知掉到哪里去。The old forest canopies often have those snags, which are big dead branches that break off and can fall erratically when the tree comes down.

一旦一条绳索没有绑紧,船便会变得难以控制,随风行驶,或者飘摇不定。If one of your sheets isn't properly tied down, the ship would become difficult to control and would be "to the wind, " or moving erratically.

1959年,纳什出现了严重的妄想症症状,行为举止变得怪异,他总觉得有某个组织在跟踪他。In 1959 John Nash started showing severe signs of paranoia and started behaving erratically. He believed that there was an organization chasing him.

例如,如果遇到其他车辆逆向行驶,或因行人、骑自行车的人违反交通规则而恢复人工驾驶。For example, a driver might take control if it encounters another car traveling the wrong way down the road or a pedestrian or cyclist acts erratically.

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报纸报道Boyle在决赛前一天失常,从而提出质疑她是否应该参加竞赛。Newspaper reports that Boyle was behaving erratically in the days before the final raised questions about whether she should really be competing at all.

犹他大学发表的报告显示打手机和酒后驾驶都使参与研究的驾驶在这段模拟的24英里路程中“开得”更不稳,只是不稳的方面不同。In the Utah study, both cell-phone use and alcohol caused participants to "drive" more erratically over the simulated 24-mile course, but in different ways.

在泄露机密并于2010年5月被捕之前的数月间,她的行为举止有时失常,曾把一张头戴女士假发的照片发给了自己的上级。In the months before her leaks and May 2010 arrest, she had been behaving erratically and emailed a picture of herself wearing a woman's wig to her supervisor.