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经济技术合作是APEC的重要支柱。ECOTECH is one of the important pillars of APEC.

他把夏威夷作为两年后亚非合作会议的开会地点。And he chose Hawaii for the APEC meeting in 2 years.

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请谈谈对这次亚太经合组织第十八次领导人非正式会议的评价。I. Comment on the 18th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

当天中午,胡锦涛出席了亚太经合组织成员领导人工作午宴。At noon, Hu attended the working luncheon of APEC leaders.

此言论是正值在夏威夷召开的APec高峰会议之前。The comments come ahead of a summit of Apec leaders in Hawaii.

参与亚太经全组织对中国的影响是多方面的。Our participation in APEC will influence China in several aspects.

中午,胡锦涛出席了亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议工作午宴。Hu attended the working luncheon of APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.

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浦田说,亚太经合组织正处在决定其未来的一个关键时期。Urata says APEC is entering a crucial period in deciding its future.

据白宫说,亚太经合组织已成为亚洲-太平洋地区的主要经济论坛。APEC has become the premier economic forum in the Asia-Pacific region.

警方采用特殊的巴士在2007年关于APEC的抗议活动中封锁街道Special buses were used to block the streets during 2007 APEC protests

中国国家主席出席了历次APEC领导人非正式会议。Chinese President has attended all the APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings.

马哈蒂尔表示很高兴来上海出席APEC领导人非正式会议。Mahathir expressed his gladness to attend the APEC meeting in Shanghai.

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中午,与会各成员领导人身穿秘鲁民族服装集体合影。APEC leaders took group photos in traditional Peruvian costumes at noon.

而且随着中国经济实力的不断增长,中国在APEC中的影响也日益增强。China will exert stronger influence on APEC with its ever-growing economy.

一些APEC经济体在农业方面仍维持较高水平的保护。Some APEC economies maintain very high levels of protection in agriculture.

美国主办2011年11月8日至13日在夏威夷火奴鲁鲁举行的亚太经合组织会议。The United States is hosting APEC in Honolulu, Hawaii, November 8-13, 2011.

亚太经合组织各经济体将对多哈回合谈判的成功作出应有的贡献。APEC economies will make a due contribution toward a successful DDA outcome.

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在亚太经合组织地区的一些妇女不享有与男子同等的继承权。Some women in the APEC region don’t have the same inheritance rights as men.

中国国家主席出席了历次APEC领导人非正式会议。The Chinese presidents have attended all the APEC informal leaders’ meetings.

各国部长已经在为即将举行的会谈奠定基础。APEC ministers already have begun laying the groundwork for those discussions.