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自然真是个老顽固。That Nature is such a prude.

别那么拘谨--你谦虚得太过分了!Don't be such a prude you can carry modesty too far!

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父母为孩子们的成功感到骄傲。The parents took prude in the success of their children.

我想了它将会做一些好处和我拖拉我们的居留装成规矩的女人。I thought it'd do some good to drag our resident prude with me.

在印地安那州的西拉法市波督大学,我上的第一节美国历史课那天。On the first day of an Americ an history class at Prude University.

你就那么认为我?把我看成故做正经的女人,躺在那里像一条冷冰冰的鱼?Is that how you see me? As some sort of prude who just lays there like a cold fish?

道学先生会说他没有教养,假装正经的人会说他举止粗野。A prig would have said that he had lost culture, and a prude that he had become coarse.

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我想让她快乐,尽管如此,我感觉自己太古板,我知道她会很失望的。I want to keep her happy, though, and I feel a prude –and I know she gets disappointed.

我很爱你,但在性方面别再当故作正经的女人了,有一天你会因此丢掉丈夫的。Love You, stop being such a prude about sex too, you may dismiss your husband one day by being too careful.

我很爱你,但在性方面别再当故作正经的女人了,有一天你会因此丢掉丈夫的。I Love You, stop being such a prude about sex too, you may dismiss your husband one day by being too careful.

伯克黑德问自己,达尔文是否只不过是维多利亚时代过分拘谨的人,还是他的女儿在编辑他的作品时作了一些审查。Birkhead wonders if Darwin was just a Victorian prude or whether having a daughter editing his writing led to some censorship.

她们认为性是肮脏的、不道德的,伴随着她们成长的是极端正经的和禁欲的生活风格下。They see sexuality as dirty and wrong and associate their body as being such and live an extremely prude and abstinent type lifestyle.

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在迴避赤裸裸的描述与矜持性的暧昧之馀,同时寻找对味的字词。Rather, it is a subtle erotic performance that eludes simultaneously coarse language and prude vagueness in the search of the right word.

人老了,又素来腼腆虔诚,并且又是姑妈,见到一个龙骑兵走进她的绣房,那总是乐意的。One may be old, one may be a prude , one may be pious, one may be an aunt, but it is always agreeable to see a lancer enter one's chamber.

就在洁可和蕾妮整理干净后,她们跟斯蒂芬谈到加托先生有多愚蠢和势利,还有凯西是个假正经的女人。As Jacky and Renee clean up after every one, they talk with Stephen about how stupid and snobbish Mr. Gatto was, and about how Cathy is such a prude.